Wasn´t my favorite, but you made it nice
Like you, I also loved the music from FF8. But this wasn´t really one of my favorite themes personally. I only liked it in the parade music, but luckily you made it sound a bit like that by adding drums and such.
You also put in some other nice effects. While I´m normally not a big fan of this techno-like music, it sounded quite well in this to be honest.
Overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5 ( 4.16 / 5.00 (+ 0.26) XD). I see you´ve made a lot more FF8 remixes and what I´ve heard so far from you was very good. So I´m probably gonna listen to some more of your music, maybe I´ll leave a few more reviews. Hope you don´t mind.