
Age 35, Male

The Netherlands

Joined on 2/23/05

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49,968 / 100,000
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Your Current Pre-2007 Redesign Level

Posted by Auz - April 4th, 2008

With the NG Experience Calculator you can look for yourself what todays requirements will be. It makes updating this blog post quite redundant.


Curious about what your current level would have been if there had never been a redesign? Here's a list of all levels and their required exp. amounts as they would've been right now in the old (2004) system.

Level 01: 0 - 50
Level 02: 50 - 100
Level 03: 100 - 150
Level 04: 150 - 200
Level 05: 200 - 250
Level 06: 250 - 300
Level 07: 300 - 350
Level 08: 350 - 400
Level 09: 400 - 2,473
Level 10: 2,474 - 4,546
Level 11: 4,547 - 6,620
Level 12: 6,621 - 8,693
Level 13: 8,694 - 10,767
Level 14: 10,768 - 12,841
Level 15: 12,842 - 14,914
Level 16: 14,915 - 16,988
Level 17: 16,989 - 19,062
Level 18: 19,063 - 21,135
Level 19: 21,136 - 23,209
Level 20: 23,210 - 25,282
Level 21: 25,283 - 27,356
Level 22: 27,357 - 29,430
Level 23: 29,431 - 31,503
Level 24: 31,504 - 33,577
Level 25: 33,578 - 35,651
Level 26: 35,652 - 37,724
Level 27: 37,725 - 39,798
Level 28: 39,799 - 41,871
Level 29: 41,872 - 43,945
Level 30: 43,946+

The experience gap between each level is 2073,619... experience points.

For a list of all the old level icons, go here.

*Last updated: 9 February '12


holy fuck, those gaps are more enormous than I remembered them :o

But nice, while I have proceeded 5, soon 6 levels since the redesign, I'd only have proceeded a single level if the old levels were kept.

Yeah, it has grown a lot since the redesign. I remember that it was almost 1,300 back then.

And yes, same goes for me. I gained 4 levels in the new system, but in the old system I would only have gained one. I think I would´ve been level 16 for about half a year now, with another six months to go till level 17.

Hey thanks man!

I'd only be a level 10....

You´re welcome =)

Thanks for posting it! I'd be a level 11 user. I didn't know that the gaps were that big!

And you would be a level 16. Wasn't it the good old chain?

Yes, the gap would really be insane these days. You´d be wearing the same level icon for about a year. It´s a good thing they came up with a new system.

And no, level 15 was the good ol´ chain which I was when the redesign came. Level 16 was the most awesome level icon of them all, the nunchucks. I also missed the nunchucks in the new system by one level, I started as a level 28 =(

I don't have an account in the pre-redesign. I started here since 10/06/07. I have 1,760 as of now. That means I would be a Level 9.

Yep, not too far from level 10.

Seeing as how I'm 4 days away from 20,000 exp, I would be level 22 but almost to level 23 under the old system.

And level 23 was probably the worst high-level icon on the old system. So.... in short: THANK GOD FOR THE NEW SYSTEM!

Nah, I always thought level 23 was alright. The golden mallet (27) and golden mace (26) were worse in my opinion.

But thank God for the new system indeed.

yeah I would be level 21 yeah yeah sweet.

Awesome :p

I would have been close to level 18? Wow.

Yeah, pretty cool huh? :p

I'd be fucked and would never get to level 9 X_X

Check out my Audio submissions too btw. I think they make your list :)

What do you mean never get to level 9? With 700 exp you would´ve been level 9 at the moment :p Level 10 would still take a while though.

Also, I assume you mean audio reviews? Will add you on the next update, which will be friday next week.

I would only have been level 12

Being Level 12 was alright ;) The barbwired boxing-glove was a pretty cool level icon.

You should add the link to NG Archive where it shows all the old levels that you posted so everyone can see what level ico would they have. Here:

<a href="http://ngarchive.aksumka.net/levels/">http://ngarchive.aksumka.net/levels/</a>

Oh, I thought they had trouble with copyrights recently and were taken offline because of it. Guess not.

But yeah, I think that´s a good idea. Thanks.

Hey, congratulations on levelling up to Lv. 33!

Thanks a lot =)

Looks like id be rolling at level 10.

Yep, and you´d still be ;)

newgrounds needs a new level system. if you voted on the max 5 subbmissions a day every day it would take you 3864 days or about 10 years to reach level 60.

True, but in the older system you could not even reach the maximum level (30) as long as the #1 kept depositing, and now you can (maybe). Level 29 would take 110 years or so to get to, even for me ;)

The maximum you could possibly reach if you kept depositing for the rest of your life would be about level 26, so you should be glad they came up with a new system ;)

I made it to NG before the redesign, the levels were badly drawn before

Hmm... I actually like most of the older level icons more than the new ones, but that might be because a new level icon had much more value back then, since leveling up was so rare.

Whoa, I would have gained 2 levels under the old system!
I was level 14 when the redisign came, I would be level 16 (great nunchucks!) now.

Yeah I would have the nunchuks as well now. Too bad I missed them. I also missed them in the new system, because I started as a level 28 =(

Hrm, I'd be level 11. I recall getting level 11 before the redesign. Just goes to show I missed a lot of deposits. :p

At least someone here kept these statics. Thanks

Heh, it´s not like I actually kept them. I just found the formula to calculate them.



Thanks man!

I think I'm level 10 on that. I'm currently in level 15.

Yeah, you would be a level 10. And you´re welcome.



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