Even if your very good at this game, it still seemed to me that it is also a matter of luck whether you win a round or not. Sometimes the enemies just kept attacking with 10+ at the same time while my own soldiers was only one at the time. And those big guys required quite a lot of arrows, so I lost the game sometimes because I didn´t have enough allies. Sometimes it was also vice versa of course, I only needed to kill a few soldiers to advance. It would be nice if you could actually buy allies with the gold you earned. Like you press space and a soldier turns up costing (for example) 10 gold. And you could buy big soldiers for more gold etc. Do make sure that you earn more gold/enemy then.
As for the other stuff, the graphics were decent. The background looked alright, but you could´ve added some trees and bushes or something. The music was okay, but it was a little repetitive. Perhaps you could find a better song. Also, I had a little trouble with aiming sometimes. Usually I just got the power bar to the maximum, tried to shoot as horizontal as possible and hoped that it was a headshot. But it was pretty hard to really aim for headshots.
Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Well it was a pretty nice game. Not really the greatest defence game I´ve ever played, but it was fun for a while. I wouldn´t mind seeing a few more of these. Keep up the good work.