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Even if your very good at this game, it still seemed to me that it is also a matter of luck whether you win a round or not. Sometimes the enemies just kept attacking with 10+ at the same time while my own soldiers was only one at the time. And those big guys required quite a lot of arrows, so I lost the game sometimes because I didn´t have enough allies. Sometimes it was also vice versa of course, I only needed to kill a few soldiers to advance. It would be nice if you could actually buy allies with the gold you earned. Like you press space and a soldier turns up costing (for example) 10 gold. And you could buy big soldiers for more gold etc. Do make sure that you earn more gold/enemy then.

As for the other stuff, the graphics were decent. The background looked alright, but you could´ve added some trees and bushes or something. The music was okay, but it was a little repetitive. Perhaps you could find a better song. Also, I had a little trouble with aiming sometimes. Usually I just got the power bar to the maximum, tried to shoot as horizontal as possible and hoped that it was a headshot. But it was pretty hard to really aim for headshots.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Well it was a pretty nice game. Not really the greatest defence game I´ve ever played, but it was fun for a while. I wouldn´t mind seeing a few more of these. Keep up the good work.

A bit boring

Not a very original idea, I´ve seen plenty of games like this and this one was not really a great version. I had a feeling that pinguins fell right through me sometimes. Especially when you helped one and quickly wanted to help another one after, who fell at the same time. This was very annoying sometimes, but it didn´t matter much. You don´t lose any lives or anything for letting pinguins die. And if you are just a bit careful with the falling snowballs, the game is very easy.

And the game is also a little bit boring in my opinion. The pinguins are a bit slow, the music is repetitive and it´s very easy like I said. Try and make it more interesting. Add more stuff that makes you lose lifes, add more different pinguins who are more diffecult to get across and perhaps add a score meter so that it does matter if you let a pinguin die. The fat pinguins should be worth more.

Overall 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Well it was not that bad. It looked pretty good, but I didn´t enjoyed it that much. Hope you can make it more interesting. Keep it up.

Great game

I believe going to the website doesn´t work. I allowed pop-ups and stuff, but when I got to the site it said: You are about to see "flames of fury " and it counted 3,2,1,0 and then nothing happened. I refreshed the page a few times, but the game just wouldn´t start. Really too bad, cause I really wanted to play on. But, I´ll just review for the first few levels then.

It´s a very nice game in my opinion. It looked really good with the 3D effects and all that. The game really requires a lot of patience, you need to fly around a lot gathering all resources and have to pick your targets very carefully. You can´t just fire away on every unit or building you see, and I liked that. I also liked the music and sounds. Only thing that wasn´t very good in my opinion was that the level designs were not that pretty. I mean, it was more made like a maze then some sort of landscape with rocks and stuff. I prefer something a bit more natural, I thought it looked a bit ugly this way.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Really liked it a lot, but such a shame that I couldn´t play on after the third level. I would really love to see the rest of it. Anyway, congrats with your award, keep up the excellent work

Good game, but some things are not right

It was a pretty good game surely. I like simple games like this, which does require a little thinking, but not much. Also liked the backgroundmusic a lot.

However, I think there´s something wrong with it. The first couple of levels were okay, everything work fine and all. But after a while, I started to get a whole lot of white bubbles in one field. So I thought I was just lucky, but the next level also had a lot of white bubbles. This just kept going on till nearly the whole field was white. I got 400.000+ points per level at a certain moment by removing all those white bubbles, and I had 2.115.000 points in total (at level 110, where only 100.000 was needed). Perhaps you could take a look at it, cause this can´t be right.

I also found something else. When you just play an ordinary game (with a minimum amount of points to advance), you can´t start your game at level 1, but have to start at level 2. This really gave me a huge disadvantage, cause you can get a lot of points at the first level. Because of this, I couldn´t get any further then level 4... I haven´t had this problem yesterday, so did you changed anything? If you did, then I think it would be better if you changed it back. The neverending game mode isn´t really that much fun, and the ordinary one is kinda ruined now. I didn´t liked the neverending mode, cause you started with a whole lot that can be removed quickly, but you only get very few bubbles back. So you can´t get very far... My highest score was about 4.000

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. It´s a pretty nice game, but really too bad there are some things not right. The idea was good and it was pretty well made. Anyway, I hope you can fix those things I mentioned above. Keep it up.

Still has a few glitches, but great game

A very good RPG in my opinion. I especially liked the graphics and the way everything was drawn. The battle-system was also pretty nice. The game really misses sounds and music however. I think the score would be way over 4.00 if you just added some backgroundmusic and a few sounds, it´s one of the most important things in an RPG after all. And it´s not that hard to add them.

The game also had a couple of glitches. You probably already know these, but I´ll tell them anyway. First one I found was that when you ended up with exactly 0 exp. needed till the next level, you did not grow a level. Second one I found was at the goblin war. When one of those spear goblins lifebar was empty, the goblin did not die. Both of these glitches weren´t really a problem, since you did grow a level and those guys did die after the next battle/attack. But still, the not dying goblin thingie was a little annoying sometimes when they attacked you after. Altogether It could cost you lots of HP, so please fix this. The third one was that the buttons didn´t always worked if you pressed them quickly after eachother. This also costed me quite a lot of HP when I was trying to attack and avoid the opponents attack right after.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Even though it has a still has a couple of glitches and has no music/sound, I still think it´s a great game. It´s very nice that you can also save your game, so you don´t have to finish everything at once. One more thing, when the main character dies, please add a little button that takes us back to the menu screen. I know I can just do a right mouse click -> play, but it´ll be much nicer if there´s a button for it. Anyway, congrats with the award and I hope to see some more from you soon. Keep up the excellent work.

Nice filesize

Very nice game I must say. Liked the graphics and the style. Sounds were pretty good as well. The controls were pretty easy too. I did not liked the backgroundmusic that much however, but it suited the game. The menuscreen was simply awesome. I liked options like "choose your level" and that you could change the controls if you wanted too.

I found something that was a bit weird. When I finished the third level, I wanted to pause the game, but it was still counting my scores. When I pressed P, I suddenly lost a life... =S Later I did it again and again I lost a life. Could you please fix this? It was quite an unpleasant suprise to me, since I only had one life left.

Another thing that was too bad was that this was just a demo version and only had six levels. The six levels in this were not that hard. There wasn´t much puzzling in them, the enemies were easy to avoid and the parts where you had to jump where usually highligthed in some way. I only died sometimes because I wanted to do things too quickly, but it´s easy to beat if you do things carefully. Also, I couldn´t submit my score when I completed all the levels, but could when I for example died at level 5.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. A pretty good game, but it could still use a bit more work in my opinion. I was really dissapointed that the game ended so soon, so I hope you will add some more levels. Keep up the good work.

Nice game, but found a little bug

It´s certainly not a bad game. Especially the graphics were very nice. But I believe there is a little bug in your game. I found out you had to complete the game by going through the underground maze, but there is another (much easier) way as well. From the beginning: If you walk all the way towards the right and then all the way up and then take the right path. You´ll end up in a mountain with stairs. The character will walk over the bridge towards the other side, if you continue from here, you can walk through the stonepath and continue your way towards the end. The game won´t do anything when you reach the end however. But could you please take a look at this?

As for other things. although the maze will look a little less good, I suggest you make the stone path in straight lines. The character started to shake a little when you touched the stones. And perhaps you could make the dead ends in the underground maze a little bit shorter as well. It´s very annoying if you walk for miles and then suddenly reach a dead end and have to walk back.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Still a nice game, not something I would want to play over and over again, but it was fun for a while. Good graphics like I said, nice music at the background and it´s nice that you added some landmarks and stuff. One last suggestion: Some more levels will be a big improvement =) Keep up the good work.

flashgismo responds:

Lol, You're right, who would want to play a traditional maze game over and over ? >.> actually I wouldnt play it again. now this is older than blocky game, I've made this last year. and I thought it would be better to post it than throw it away. although I didnt like it much, yet I can still see something in the graphic is good. else I know if I wanted to fix it to better it would be more awsome. just as you know sometimes its hard to get to an old thing and renew it. I prefer to make a new thing or work in other things. espiceally that I bought the domain www.vincent-valentine.com and I'm thinking in a big project :p

Nice, but diffecult

It was a good game, but kinda hard to beat. Getting happiness of 400 and a level 10 fortress is incredibly hard. I was able to get the level 10 fortress by building a lot of marketplaces, but ended up with 100 happy which was far from enough. And so I lost the game cause I wasn´t an emperor.

When I was aiming on happiness and bought symbols and stuff like that, I didn´t had enough money for the castle upgrades. The more money I tried to get, the more expensive those symbols became (over 80.000 bucks at one point), and the upgrades just didn´t gave enough. And also, all those protesting thingies suddenly did -37 or something. So I lost the game again. It seemed to me that whatever you are aiming for, it was always at the cost of something else.

And food is the most diffecult thing in my opinion, since it is very random how much food you get every round. When I bought a lot of farms, the population seemed to rise even quicker, so it didn´t helped that much and I only got in trouble with the happiness factor.

So I really have no idea, what the best strategy is to win this game if it is even possible to win it. The only thing I did not have trouble with was with the army size, cause I just sold everything I had in the last round and bought weapons and soldiers in return. But I really wouldn´t mind if you made it a little bit easier, by giving us some more rounds or something. The rest of the game was pretty good, nice graphics and stuff and a nice idea, but the diffeculity was just annoying and it´s a bit dissapointing if you lose the game over and over again.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Well I still liked the game though, and even if it is a little dissapointing losing the game all the time, I still keep trying so I guess it´s quite addicting. I hope you can make it a bit easier, keep up the good work and good luck with your next flashes.

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