Very good, but far from perfect
Well it must´ve taken months to create a game like this. I am very impressed that it has so many SSBM options, characters, levels another stuff. Graphics, sounds and music were all very good. However it it still far from perfect. The menuscreens need no improvement cause that all works, but the fights could use a lot more work.
First off the controls for player 1 were a bit annoying. I think using M & N would be better then O & P. Second, it was possible to deal over 100% damage in one hit. That´s a little much, you should make 30% the maximum. Third, the wasp-like robots were using me as a tennisball in "race to the finish", which made it impossible for me to finish that level. That was very annoying. I thought I just wait until the timer reaches 00:00, but then I had to do the same again. You should change it so that you just get 0 points for that and move on to the next stage once you lose a live or the timer reaches 0.
Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Haven´t discovered any other bad stuff yet, but I´m sure there is a lot more. I personally think it would´ve better if you added less extra´s like secret characters and less options, and had worked more on the fights. Even if it only had 10 characters and a few levels then, I would still think the game is awesome.