
258 Game Reviews

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Not bad, but expand it a bit

Things to improve:
-You can have over 100 health and there are too many health packages. At one point I had about 250 health and the game doesn´t get any harder at all, so I could´ve kept going until I had 1000 if I wanted too (or even more).
-It would be nice if you could see your own lasers as well. Aiming was a little hard cause you have to move the cursor pretty fast, but if you can see your own lasers, it´ll be a bit easier and it looks better as well.
-The game gets boring pretty soon. The enemies kept coming in the same order all the time, it didn´t got any harder (like I said), all the enemies were the same (no bosses), and there are no powerups or anything. If you improved on all this, the game will be a lot more interesting.
-The lasersounds were good, but some backgroundmusic would be nice as well.
-I think the enviroment should change sometimes. It would be okay if you just added some more colors and made those colors change after a while.

Overall 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. It wasn´t a bad game, it´s very promising actually, but it needs a little bit more work at some places. Just expand it a little bit. Anyway, I do hope to see a better version soon, keep it up.

Very nice RPG

Currently I´m in the mine, and I am quite impressed with what I´ve seen so far. The backgrounds and graphics are really awesome, although maybe you could add a few more special effects when attacking. The sounds and music are also excellent, I really liked the music, suited the game very well. Other things I liked were the story, the many different items, the attacks and skill points, different enemies, different area´s, save option and especially the weird looking main character. Most RPG´s have some cool looking guy as a main character, so it made it a little different from the other RPG´s.

There are just a few small things I´d like to complain about though. First off, you get loads of extra HP after leveling up while the damage the enemies do does not increase much. I know that´s probably because all the good armors you find along the way, but I think you should make the enemies a bit stronger. Some enemies also have quite a lot of HP themselves, which makes some battles very long (and boring).

Second, well while my HP grows a lot, my energy has not increased at all (yet). I think you should add an MP meter and then seperate energy (for skills) and MP (for spells). Also make your energy go up as well, cause it´s a little annoying your energy is already gone after using 2 or 3 moves.

Third, well this annoyed me a bit at the beginning, but sometimes I forgot to take the spoils so maybe they should be picked up automaticly. Later on I did not forget though, so if it´s too much trouble changing it, just keep it this way.

Overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5. I really enjoyed this game so far and I hope I still have a long way to go before I reach the end. Good that it has a save option, cause it´s getting pretty late here and I don´t think I can finish the game today. Would be a shame if I had to start all over again. Anyway, congrats with your daily first, fully deserved it. I hope it´ll get the weekly first as well. Keep up the excellent work.

un-mediocre responds:

Great suggestions, thanks for the review! :D

Could use some more work

Graphics: They weren´t bad, but I can´t say I´m impressed. The background was probably quite easy to draw, you should put a bit more work in that. The ball and the paddle looked okay, but they were not much special either.

Sounds: The music was alright. I´d say that´s the best part of this game. It´s too bad that you didn´t added any (bouncing) sounds and stuff like that. You should add those, it could improve the game quite a lot.

Interactivity: The controls were very easy, which is good. There isn´t much to do though, just moving from the right to the left, trying to bounce the ball back over and over again. Try to make it a little bit more interesting by adding power-ups, power-downs and stuff like that. A few ideas: Extra life, Bigger/Smaller Paddle, Faster/Slower Ball, Two Balls (so points will go up twice as fast as well), Bigger/Smaller Ball, Field Rotates 180°, I´m sure you can think of a few more yourself.

Overall 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. It was fun for a little while, but I got bored pretty quickly. The game is just too easy, I probably could´ve made it to 10000 without losing a life if I wanted to. Luckily the ball suddenly went faster and slower sometimes (I don´t think you did that on purpose) so that it was at least a little bit of a challenge. Otherwise I would´ve stopped after 20 points probably. Anyway, try to make it a little harder, work a bit on the graphics and add some powerups. It´ll be a much better game then, keep it up.

Awesome game

I´ve played many versions of this game, but this one is probably the best. I really love these kinda games, games which require some thinking, but not too much. It´s simple, addictive and lots of fun. I could play this game for hours without getting bored, but too bad I don't have the time for it.

Anyway, the best parts in my opinion where:
-The sounds and music. The music suited the game very well and I really liked the sound of the breaking pearls. I'm not sure why though, but those were great.
-You could keep on playing while other jewels were still replaced. In all the other versions you always had to wait before you could make another move. This is a big plus in my opinion.
-You're never stuck in this game (at least I haven't been stuck so far and I'm in level 7 currently). That does make the game a bit easier, but being stuck all the time is annoying.
-The bombs. Those were fun.
-Different ways of completing a level. The game doesn't really get boring cause of that.

The only bad part I could discover was that if you finished a level it stopped, even while some jewels were still replaced (and I still got points). You should either immediatly stop, or wait before everthing is gone.

Overall 10 out of 10, 5 out of 5. I really loved this game like I said. Third submission to get a 10 from me so far and I will add it to my favorites as well. Anyway, it's a shame it only got a daily fifth, it would fully deserve daily first in my opinion. Keep up the excellent work and I hope to see some more stuff.

Very nice game

The Good things:
-It was pretty cool that you could change the climate conditions and such. You could make the game a little bit harder if you like by adding thick fog, dark clouds and heavy snowfall. This was a very good thing in my opinion.
-Ten different soundtracks, I would´ve been more then satisfied if it only had two. An off button was also a good idea, although I´m sure there´s always at least one song you like.
-3d effects are always nice in a flash. The rest of the graphics were also very good, everything was drawn pretty well.

Bad things:
-I think it would´ve been nice if you could move to the left and right as well. Be sure to add some more ramps then as well, since you´re probably gonna miss a lot of them. You could also add some stuff you can collect to get bonuspoints at the end.
-The controls for the jumping are okay, but I think it would´ve been a little bit better if you could choose which trick you want to do. You could make it like: You jump with the spacebar and the height of your jump decides which trick is gonna work and which one is not. If you press the wrong button, you fall and get 0 points.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I personally think this was a very nice game. There were many good things in this. With a little bit more work it´ll probably stand a very good chance for a daily first. Of course it already has a very good score, but I´m not sure about daily first. Anyway, I hope to see some more of this stuff. Keep up the excellent work.

Nice mix

Graphics: These are good. I wouldn´t change anything about this if I were you, just keep everything simple. I only didn´t liked the pongs much, but I can´t really tell why =S

Sounds/Music: The Pacman tune at the beginning of each level was nice. Maybe you should add a little more music since it was a bit quiet while playing. Do keep the sounds in it, since those were also pretty good.

Interactivity: The controls were very easy and it was nice that the other pong moved the other way. It made the game a bit more challenging. I had some troubles with moving sometimes though. The game didn´t seemed to respond (or responded very slowly) when I moved to the left or right. I don´t know whether there´s something wrong with my keyboard or the game, but maybe you should test the game once more. It´s very annoying.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I kept dying because of the problem I mentioned above, so I didn´t got much further then level 5. Anyway, I liked how you mixed pacman with pong. It´s a simple game, but as with most simple games, it´s lots of fun. Maybe you could expand it a little bit more (powerups, more levels, more ways to score points etc.) for an even better score. Keep up the good work.

Cool game

Graphics: These were good, nothing to complain about. I liked the style of the drawings and the colors you used. The background also looked excellent.

Sounds/Music: Probably the best thing in this game. I really liked that sound when one of those squirrel guys got eaten, sounded pretty funny. The music in this was also nice, nice beat. It suited the game pretty well.

Interactivity: The controls were easy, you just had to use the right and left arrow keys. The menuscreen was decent. The instructions could´ve been a little bit more detailed. You could´ve said that you have to collect coins and bring them back to your boat and that you have to watch out for the octopus. Of course this is all obvious, but just one short line is not enough. I was also thinking, maybe you should add levels. After you got a certain amount of coins, you get to the next level where the tentacles of the octopus move faster etc.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. The idea behind this game was simple, but I enjoyed playing it. I think it was pretty hard though, I couldn´t get my score higher then 30. Even when I had a strategy. Sometimes it´s just impossible to escape, but that´s okay. Anyway, I hope to see some more of these kinda games. Keep up the good work.

Not bad, but....

Graphics: These were not bad. The drawings looked very good. The special effects and animation were also nice. It was too bad that you couldn´t see the bullets of the enemy soldiers, so it was hard to tell whether you were gonna get shot or not. That all seemed to be a matter of luck by the way. Sometimes when I was still reloading and the enemy shooted I was dead and sometimes I wasn´t.

Sounds/Music: Very good choice of music. It suits this game very well. The sounds were also excellent. The French accent of the guy who tells you what to do was pretty funny.

Interactivity: A cool looking menuscreen with plenty of options. I liked that. What I especially liked were the small pictures that appeared next to the text when you moused over them. It isn´t really that important, but I´ve rarely seen that before. As for the controls, they weren´t that diffecult. It´s a little bit annoying that you have to hold R before you can shoot though. Also, your character moves way too slow, please make him walk a little bit quicker. That was probably the worst thing of this game.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I would´ve given it higher if the game went a little bit faster. You barely got any chance to shoot back at your enemies, cause they could fire much faster then you. Once you do get the chance, sometimes you kill 2 and sometimes none at all. The soldier also walked too slow as I said above. I couldn´t get past the first chapter at first, so I was a little bit annoyed cause I had to walk the same areas over and over again. All the other things were good, so just try to improve those things and it should be an awesome game. Keep it up.

Great game

Good things:
-3D. That's pretty cool, you rarely see games with 3D enviroments like this one here on Newgrounds.
-The Music. The music was really great in my opinion. I liked all the different songs you used for the bosses. The sounds were also awesome.
-The upgrades like the bombs and speed ups were nice. It's good that you have to use those to defeat the bosses.

Bad things:
-Well the quality of the graphics were pretty bad. Especially in the beginning. Luckily they got a little bit better later on, but they were still not that great. I hope you can improve those a little, if not, well too bad then.
-It was too easy. I only got hit a few times by the rocks that popped from the ground but that was only at the second and third boss. I didn't lost any life at the fourth and fifth boss. They didn't seemed to fight back at all, they just kept running/swimming. Also there were too many of those green fairies (or fireflies), so you could quickly recover when you were hit. Try to make the game a little bit harder.
-The bosses take too long. As I said above, the bosses were easy, but it took ages to defeat one. This made the game a little bit boring.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. It's a pretty good game I think. Could use still use a little bit of work at some places, but altogether it was nice. It deserves an award. Keep up the excellent work.

popopt responds:

I like how you divided up your points Auz - makes it easy for me to see what needs work and what's already working. Thanks for posting the indepth and helpful review:)


Graphics: Those look great. Very good backgrounds, the special effects were nice and the characters looked good as well. It was also good that everything went pretty fast. Makes the game very exciting. The only thing that looks a little bit weird is when the ninja guy falls down, but that´s okay. Doesn´t really matter that much.

Sounds / Music: Nice music although sometimes the music seemed to stop for a while. Anyway it suited the game pretty well. The sounds were also very good, it was nice that there was a different sound for every type of attack.

Interactivity: It was awesome that you could decide the controls yourself. I have never seen that before actually. I liked that option a lot. The interactivity during the game was also great. What I especially liked was that you could jump anytime while you were still attacking. It makes the game a little bit faster, makes it easier to dodge your opponents attacks etc. It would make it even faster if you could also suddenly turn around while attacking, so maybe you should add that as well. There could also be a few more combo´s in this I think, but luckily there are still plenty of options when you also jump.

Overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5. A fantastic game. I see more good games here on Newgrounds every week, but I think this´ll become a classic. I really enjoyed playing this game and added it to my favorites. I hope there will be a second Ninjaman! coming out soon. I expected a few more levels in this one to be honest, since you said "From tropical beaches to dark forests.." or something like that. You would expect to see more, but too bad those were the only 2 levels. Anyway, keep up the excellent work.

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