Not bad, but expand it a bit
Things to improve:
-You can have over 100 health and there are too many health packages. At one point I had about 250 health and the game doesn´t get any harder at all, so I could´ve kept going until I had 1000 if I wanted too (or even more).
-It would be nice if you could see your own lasers as well. Aiming was a little hard cause you have to move the cursor pretty fast, but if you can see your own lasers, it´ll be a bit easier and it looks better as well.
-The game gets boring pretty soon. The enemies kept coming in the same order all the time, it didn´t got any harder (like I said), all the enemies were the same (no bosses), and there are no powerups or anything. If you improved on all this, the game will be a lot more interesting.
-The lasersounds were good, but some backgroundmusic would be nice as well.
-I think the enviroment should change sometimes. It would be okay if you just added some more colors and made those colors change after a while.
Overall 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. It wasn´t a bad game, it´s very promising actually, but it needs a little bit more work at some places. Just expand it a little bit. Anyway, I do hope to see a better version soon, keep it up.