
306 Movie Reviews

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Still one of the best ever

This is still one of the best submissions ever on NG in my opinion. You really have a wonderful drawing style. Especially that first shot at bitey´s home by night was very impressive and the water looked great as well. Must´ve been diffecult to animate The music that you use in the bitey series is also very nice and catchy. Suits the series quite well.

Overall 10 out of 10, 5 out of 5. I already added this to favorites on the day I signed up, which was almost 4 years ago. I was suprised that I have never reviewed it before though. Anyway, keep up the excellent work and I´m looking forward to the next episode in the bitey series. Hopefully with some more character development on Bitey´s side as I have already stated in my waterlollies review.


Nice episode, but sometimes a bit predictable

Another nice episode you created here.

The graphics were pretty good once again. I liked the fbf animation you´ve put in there. It was quite well made, but on the other hand it seemed like a lot of trouble for such a small and rather pointless scene. And since it actually delayed the episode for 3 months.. I would leave it out next time if I were you.

The voice-acting in this episode was also pretty good again. It could´ve been better at times, but for unproffesional people they did a great job.

The only real complaint that I have is that some of the jokes and parts in the story were a bit predictable. This sometimes led to a bit of dissapointment, and that´s probably why this is one of my least favorite episodes so far. Don´t get me wrong though, I did enjoy it for the most parts and all in all it was nice and well made.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I think so far you have created a very entertaining sprite series, possibly one of the best on NG. Keep up the excellent work.

PS: Merry christmas and a happy new year to you as well.

Best part of the three

This final part was awesome and deffinatly my favorite of the three. The nuclear attacks looked great, very well animated, especially how the cars and pieces were flying everywhere. I´m sure that must have been diffecult to animate. Also nice how the whole landscape of the movie turns from pretty normal to a burning wasteland which was again very well made.

Overall 10 out of 10, 5 out of 5. I´m looking forward to episode 2. I hope you already finished it in those 4 years and will submit it soon, although I don´t really expect it. Anyways, congrats with all the well deserved awards and I´m sure you´re gonna at a few weekly to them as well tomorrow. Added this last one to favorites as well, keep up the excellent work.


Also very nice, but pt 1 was better

This part seemed to be relatively short compared to pt1 and the teaser. I´m really starting to get curious about the girl. She barely spoke so far and you don´t know that much backgroundstory about her yet, beside that she likes surfing and is about to lose her family. I do hope that we´ll get to know her a bit better in the third part.

Anyway, the graphics were once again mindblowing. I must say that backgrounds seem to be your specialty. They always look just a bit better than the animated stuff on the foreground in my opinion. The special effect with the EMP in the sky was nicely made by the way, and so was the car accident.

Overall 10 out of 10, 5 out of 5. I liked the first part a bit more than this part to be honest. I think this part could have been more exciting if that girl, Sarah, did not seem to be so relaxed. She even stopped for the red light, I mean come on :p Who would stop for a red light when missiles or whatever are heading your way? This still deserves a 10 though. I´m looking forward to watching the third part (and final part of the first episode?). Also added this one to favorites.



After that very promising teaser you submitted 4 years ago, perhaps the most promosing teaser on Newgrounds ever, I was worried that you gave up on this project. I´m pretty relieved to see that you haven´t. This first part of the first episode was once again awesome with excellent graphics and you´re really good with creating the right atmosphere.

Interesting how you linked some elements in the story with things that happened in reality. I´m wondering if that was actually your plan from the beginning, since I believe there was nothing about America vs Iran or something in the teaser.

Overall 10 out of 10, 5 out of 5. This first part seemed to be more of an intro. Not that much action yet and as in the teaser, not much backgroundstory about the girl. But it was awesome still. I´m off to watch the second part, added this one to favorites.


Great stuff

This was a great parody of GTA IV and Egoraptors movies, very well made. I have to say, that Hans van Harken really has a great voice for these sort of movies. I think his voice was the main reason why this movie was so funny. If you are ever going to make another awesome parody, you should ask him to do the voices again.

As for the bad parts, well you could say the idea is kinda stolen from Egoraptor, but I don´t really mind. Making a good parody like this one is still not easy. I´ve seen plenty of other 'awesome' parodies that weren´t that good and just failed.

Overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5. It made me laugh, very funny stuff. I added it to my favorites. I hope you´re gonna make some more of these someday. Keep up the good work.


Could be better

Not bad, but I think this could still use a lot of improvements. First off, I think the plot wasn´t too original. It was pretty obvious that the movie was gonna end that way, which was too bad. It was kinda funny that she threw the brush in the pupil of his eye though :p

The drawings were okay. Not very detailed perhaps, except for the woman, but they were alright. The animation however didn´t look too good in my opinion. I think you need to speed it up a little and try to make it look smoother.

Also, the quality of the intro/outro music was pretty bad and so was the sound-quality of the voice. If you don´t have a better mic then I can imagine you can´t do much about the voice, but I´m sure you could change the music.

Overall 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. I think you still need some practice. For now, I would focus myself on animating if I were you. That seems to be your weakest point. Keep it up and good luck with any future projects.

~Auz, Review Request Club

I think you can do better

The song kinda sucked but I assume that this was done on purpose to add humor to the flash. Sure it was kinda funny, but somehow it made the movie not that enjoyable to watch. The fact that it is also very short and that there is not much happening made this movie a bit average in my opinion. You do seem to be good with graphics however. The drawings were pretty good and the animation was nice and smooth.

Since you can draw pretty well, I think you could´ve done way better if you had chosen a different song and had made a longer flash. I know this is supposed to be short because it is a "short", but it just kinda missed the climax I think. It was a bit boring. Maybe you should´ve made that girl do something funny at the end.

Overall 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. It was okay, but I think you can do better.

~Auz, Review Request Club


This was a good movie in my opinion. I can see you have a lot of talent with drawing and animating, cause everything looked great. Also, I think you have a good voice for the voice-acting. The dekutree really sounded like an old man and Navi like a little girl (I can hardly imagine this was done by the same guy).

The only big complaint that I have is, like everyone else pretty much said already, it´s hard to hear what the great deku tree is saying. I could understand most of the words the second time I was listening, but I had to listen very very carefully. Subtitles would deffinatly be nice.

I also think the ending of the movie could have been done a bit better. I thought there was still gonna be one good joke, but then the screen turned white and that was it. Just make that final shot a few frames shorter and perhaps make it slowly fade away. You know how to do that right? Just add a big, black or white square in the upper layer and put the alpha on 0%. Then create a shape tween and make it go to 100%. It´s just a small detail, but it looks a lot nicer in my opinion.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. To be honest I´m a little suprised that this movie got through with a score of only 2.69. I guess that is mainly because of the conversation that was so diffecult to follow. I think if you had added subtitles, it could easily get a 3.00+ score. It might even be award material. Anyways, I do hope that you´re gonna make another one. Like I said, you deffinatly have a lot of talent when it comes to making flash movies. Keep up the good work.


Axxe17 responds:

eyah im so fresh to this program, so really i would love some help on it^^; thankyou very much for the advice, and hahah yeah that was really me doing navi, i was using some kind of voice changer, but only a pinch

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