Nicely made
This was a very nice little short. The audio you used from the commercial sounded kinda funny and the graphics and animation you added was well done. I liked the "Dear Link, WTF?"-letter, and since it was so high paced I'm sure I missed some other jokes in the movie.
Anyway, for such a short movie you really went overkill with the menu-screen. I mean, it looked really good with lots of options and stuff. It almost looks like you put as much effort in the menu as in the rest of the movie. Two menus with play buttons were a bit unnecessary though. It might've been better if you immediately get taken to the main menu from the preloader and then put the intro somewhere after you hit the play button there. But it's no big deal.
I found the easter egg as well by the way. It was again well made, but I'm still not quite sure what it was about. I could hardly see what those red things were. I suppose they were enemies of some kind, but whatever was happening at the end was left to the imagination :p Not sure what Toad was doing in those bushes either, but perhaps I shouldn't think too much about it.
Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. A very well done short in my opinion. Keep up the good work!