
306 Movie Reviews

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Nicely made

This was a very nice little short. The audio you used from the commercial sounded kinda funny and the graphics and animation you added was well done. I liked the "Dear Link, WTF?"-letter, and since it was so high paced I'm sure I missed some other jokes in the movie.

Anyway, for such a short movie you really went overkill with the menu-screen. I mean, it looked really good with lots of options and stuff. It almost looks like you put as much effort in the menu as in the rest of the movie. Two menus with play buttons were a bit unnecessary though. It might've been better if you immediately get taken to the main menu from the preloader and then put the intro somewhere after you hit the play button there. But it's no big deal.

I found the easter egg as well by the way. It was again well made, but I'm still not quite sure what it was about. I could hardly see what those red things were. I suppose they were enemies of some kind, but whatever was happening at the end was left to the imagination :p Not sure what Toad was doing in those bushes either, but perhaps I shouldn't think too much about it.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. A very well done short in my opinion. Keep up the good work!


Good, but short

This movie was pretty good. I was very amazed by the beautiful drawingstyle you used. I don´t think I´ve ever seen another submission on newgrounds that used your style. It reminds of some cartoons I see on TV occasionaly. I really loved it. And I think the graphics are the main reason why it got such a high score. For the rest it isn´t much special if you ask me. Sound effects were just good and the joke was not so original in my opinion. Or at least, I could see something like that coming. But it was well timed and well animated so it did make me laugh and that´s all that really matters.

I think the main bad point of this movie is that it was rather short. I would´ve loved to see some more nicely drawn scenes, more jokes, more of a plot perhaps etc. But you just kept it at one short scene which was a bit of dissapointment alas.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. All in all I think it was very good for your first submission. I would really love to see some more work from you. Although I´m not counting on it, looking at the date this was submitted and the fact that you haven´t submitted anything since. Anyway, keep up the good work and hopefully we´ll see another flash from you soon.



As far as sprite movies can go, this was a very nice piece of work. I think you did an amazing job editing all those sprites for this flash. They looked very good most of the time. I especially liked the brownish pictures in the beginning. Best part graphicwise if you ask me.

As for the voice acting: I personally thought it was pretty good. I like how you used voices instead of plain text. All the actors who worked on this did a good job. I just thought Zelda sounded a bit old for some reason. She doesn´t quite have the voice I would imagine her to have in the original videogames. I mean, in most of the videogames I would assume her to be 16~20 and have a girlish voice, but I thought she sounded much older here. But then again, it´s probably hard enough already to find some decent voice-actors for a cartoon.

What I would recommend for next time though is that you add a bit more speed to the scenes. Sometimes I had a feeling the story dragged on slowly and this went at the cost of some of the jokes. Also 20 minutes (?) is a bit of a long sit. You might wanna split it up in two episodes next time. That will also double (your chances of) awards and will probably get you much more exposure in the end ;)

Oh and by the way, there were also a lot of spelling mistakes in the subtitles. Sometimes there were even words there that weren´t even spoken. It´s not such a big deal, but it looks a bit clumsy so you might wanna fix that.

Overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5. Like I said I thought this was a very good piece of work. Would love to see more, but I guess I´ll have to wait a long time before another episode comes out. Anyway, keep up the excellent work and good luck with any future projects.


Emptygoddess responds:

Sorry about the spelling issues. My spelling is horrible, I tried with all my tiny might to make it as spell perfect as i could. I failed.

I'm going to go cry now.

Very nice

"... doesn´t even come close to a Brackenwood movie"? Well I thought this was a really good attempt to be honest. For a moment there, I thought this might be one of A. Phillips older movies. But then I saw this was made by a 'follower' and I was pretty suprised that someone could come so close to the Brackenwood movies. Or at least when it comes to drawing style. Even the animation looked very similar and I loved the light effects. So you did a really good job here if you wanted to make it look like Adam Phillips movies.

But obviously it wasn´¨t perfect. I thought that sometimes the background looked really nice but some stuff on the foreground didn´t look so good. Especially the waterflow could´ve looked a bit better sometimes. So you still gotta work on that.

Overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5. This was a really good try like I already said. I would encourage you to keep using this style and try to get better and better with it. Of course you don´t have to become an A. Phillips clone, you could perhaps use a completely different way of storytelling or use much different themes in your movies? But keeping the same art style would be a good idea I think. Keep up the good work and good luck with your future projects.



Well this was a pretty nice movie in my opinion. Like many others I also expected an endless loop of Splash and Harden, but the loop was broken quickly by Magikarp's Solarbeam. Perhaps it would´ve been funny if it kept looping, but that´s not original anymore. Anyway, I thought this was a fairly good parody of Splash Attack. The drawings and music were nice and the jokes were pretty good.

There were still a few things that could improve though. The voice-acting could´ve been slightly better, and the quality of the sound/microphone wasn´t that super. But it certainly was not bad either. Also you could improve on the animation a bit. Sometimes I thought the animation didn´t look so smooth. Especially with the camera zooming in and out.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I enjoyed watching it, nicely made movie. Keep up the good work and good luck with any future projects.


PostTimeskipSam responds:

Thanks, well the voice-acting was really just yelling into the microphone so that did take a toll on the quality, but thanks for the suggestions and I will keep those in mind.

Not bad

Not a bad animation. I must say I did kinda like it. There´s still some stuff that could be improved though.

The drawings of this movie in itself weren´t that impressive. Both the characters and the stuff in the room seemed pretty basic. So they could be a little better and I suggest you practice with that. Perhaps you should especially practice with the use of colors and shades. I think that would improve it a lot. The animation was pretty good on the other hand. Except for when the cupcake 'came out of his eye'. That part seemed a little choppy, adding a few more frames would fix that I suppose.

Also, I suggest adding subtitles. In some parts I really couldn´t hear what was said. Not that it mattered that much in this case because I got the overall joke, but perhaps in your other projects it could be a problem.

The backgroundmusic was nice I thought. It helped giving the movie an overdramatic atmosphere, which added to the humor of the flash. The voice-acting was alright in my opinion. Could be better, but it´s probably pretty hard to find really good voice-actors so it´s fine this way.

Overall 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Well, I did kinda like it as I said above. Just keep practicing and I`m sure you´ll produce some great flashes someday. Keep it up and good luck with any future projects.


Assios responds:



This is really a great movie and I´m sure this is gonna become one of the best series on Newgrounds. Your drawings and animation skills are awesome. I rarely see anyone with better drawing skills. As a matter of fact, I don´t think I know anyone, besides Chluaid maybe. The styles of you two seem to be quite similar. You both make very detailed and wonderful drawings and you both create a whole fantasy world around a certain main character. Also you both use certain types of music in your animations. I hope you don´t mind if I compare you to him by the way. I can imagine you get a bit sick of that as you have probably heard it many times in the reviews.

But anyways, your series has voice-acting in it which is nice. The voice-acting was well done so far. Just a bit hard to hear sometimes, so perhaps some subtitles would be a good idea for your future episodes.

Overall 10 out of 10, 5 out of 5. Well I hope to see the next episode soon. And I really wonder when this series will be finished, since 42 episodes is really a lot and it took you over a year to do two. I can imagine you need your time, but I just hope you´re not gonna give up somewhere halfway because the project is to big. Anyways, I added this episode to my favorites a long time ago, just like your first. Keep up the excellent work and good luck with creating the rest of the series.

(500th review)

Good, but too long

This movie had some funny moments as well. The part after the Goron took the drink was pretty funny and well made with the time-slow scene. "Do you have any idea how fast you were going?" was a good one too. After that I think the movie dragged on a bit, and I think some scenes could´ve been left out. Such as the Dodongo scene and the scene with Clarence. Basicly the whole ending could´ve been better as it ended quite abruptly too. If you were planning to end it abruptly, you might as well have ended it after the "When I´m drunk I am the second best driver, only to myself"-joke.

Anyways the voiceacting was good as always. I assume that BarryToon guy did some of the voices as well, and I thought they were very good. He also has a good voice for this.

Another point of critic that I have by the way is: Why you have not subtitled the conversations in this one? You didn´t even bother to change the original text or anything. Original text was barely readable though, but I think you should´ve subtitled it again like you did in your older voice-overs. Makes it way easier to follow the movie.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. A good and entertaining movie, but not your best voice-over if I´m honest.


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