You've done pretty well here..
Was kinda like the intro movie of FFVIII, although that one was longer I thought. Anyway, it was a pretty decent movie. Drawings were okay, could be a better better at some places, but they were alright. There are just a couple of things that you need to work on.
First of all, I would have choosen different music if I were you. I thought there was some pretty good music for the intro movie in the real game. I think it would be better if you added that music. Second, although the graphics were alright, the movie seems to run a bit shocky. Please fix that, cause it's a bit annoying to watch the movie then. Third, I think you should put some sounds in. Just some swordsounds and all that. That'll make the movie a bit better. Fourth, the movie wasn't really that long, you should make the whole intro movie or just add some of your own ideas. I think that last would be the best, unless you can't think of anything good.
Anyway, also some good parts in this. First of all, like I said, the graphics were pretty good. Second, I like the fact that you didn't made some FFVI sprite movie. There are tons of those already. Third, even though there could have been some better music in this (in my opinion), I guess I should be glad that you at least added some music. No music would make the movie kinda boring.
So overall I'd give this 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Like I said, it was a pretty decent movie. I think you've done very well for one of your first flashes. I haven't seen many people having a score of nearly 3.00 for their first movie. Anyway, I hope to see more stuff from you soon. Practice some more with flash and who knows, you might win an award some day. Well keep up the good work and good luck with any future projects.