
130 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Pretty good

This is the first time I see a Prince of Persia movie and this is a pretty good one in my opinion. The animation and the special effects looked really good. The drawings were decent, the island at the beginning looked excellent, the rest wasn´t really that great, but wasn´t horrible either. The sounds and music were not much special, but they were alright. You just used some swordsounds and songs of the game itself which was okay. As for the rest; the quality changer is nice, so I gave some points for interactivity.

A few bad things:
-The fight at the end was too short. I was expecting a much longer fight and much more spectacular. Kayleena (Empress of Time) didn´t seemed to play an important role in this story. I wouldn´t know that she was the Empress if I didn´t had the game myself, so I would´ve been a little bit confused at the end. Try the make the final battle longer (or slower, it all went pretty quick) and do some more things with the Dahaka at the end. I know he took the prince medaillon, but I can imagine other people think "WTF? why did he pushed him?".

-You should work a bit on the background. The walls look to.. perfect, you know? In the game, most walls are cracked or have some plants grown over them. Also the throne room is much more decorated in the game. At least add some nice paintings on the wall.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. It was a pretty nice movie, but it still needs a little bit more work though. Anyway keep up the good work and I hope to see some more.

erixs responds:

Thank you for the great response and for the tips. I will have that in mind when i start a new project.

Not very interesting

Graphics: Well the graphics aren´t really that impressive. It was just some kinda slideshow which is a bit boring. There wasn´t really much animation in this except for that clock that was ´dancing´ a bit (it was more like moving from the left to the right). I liked the screen that looked a bit like a television, but was the only good thing. Try to add some more animation in this and try to draw things yourself instead of using pictures.

Sounds / Music: The song is pretty decent, I like it actually. It doesn´t have anything to do with the movie though which is too bad. There are also no sounds in this, but that´s okay, they wouldn´t fit anyway.

Interactivity: At least it has a play and replay button. The interactivity is decent for a movie. You could always add menu-screens with scene-selection and credits and quality changers stuff like that, but it´s fine the way the way it is now. I wouldn´t add anything more when it comes to this.

Overall 4 out of 10, 1 out of 5. Well I can´t say you did a good job here. Just putting some pictures and a song together and that´s it. It was not interesting to watch at all, it wasn´t funny and it doesn´t have any point. Also there isn´t really an end in this, it just suddenly stops somewhere halfway. Hope you´ll do better next time.

Bbqbeefburgerman responds:

You guys are taking it too serious.

Looked good, but too short

Graphics: These were pretty nice and I liked the style a lot. The drawings looked pretty cool and the animation was very good as well. Still, it would be nice if you added a background I think. Just a white background is kinda boring.

Sounds/Music: The music was not bad. I don´t say I really liked it, but it was decent. There were no sounds in this, which was too bad. The movie could use a few sounds I think. Like when that little guy is punched away for example. Maybe when you press the play button (the cross) on the menuscreen as well. The song kept on playing when you watched the movie again by the way. It doesn´t matter that much though, but you might want to change that.

Interactivity: Well the menuscreen also looked pretty good. Some nice colors you used, which gave it a nice lay-out. Too bad there wasn´t that much there except a play button in the shape of a cross (which was a bit weird in my opinion) and some text that is pretty hard to read. Perhaps you should change the color of the text a bit so that it is more clear.

Overall 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Well in the beginning it looked like a very good movie in my opinion, and I was suprised that it got such an average score, but I can see why now. The movie is just way too short. Really too bad, cause it could´ve been a great movie if you´d only made it longer. It could also use a more original story. I´ve seen (too) many submissions with a guy that goes insane and kills people cause of nothing. Anyway, I hope to see a longer movie from you next time. If you keep the drawings and style the same, it should become an awesome movie.

ShotgunFacelift responds:

thanks :P

Pretty good movie

This was a very nice movie in my opinion. It reminded me of the black mages series. The styles are kinda the same. Anyway, everything looked pretty good, the drawings were nice, the animation was very good and I liked the backgroundmusic in this one. I think there is still some room for improvement though.

First off, a menuscreen would've been nice or at least a replay button at the end so that the movie doesn't keep on playing over and over again, like it was now. It isn't really something that it absolutely has to have, but it's just nice. Maybe you can add a change quality button somewhere at the menuscreen. Second, perhaps you could've made it a bit longer and with a storyline in it and with a few more characters. It's a nice movie to watch, but it doesn't make much sense now. You could keep the pointless violence in it, but you could tell us a bit more about that guy with the knife. Third, you should've added a background instead of a white screen. It looks much better with a good background. I was thinking about a dark alley in a city or maybe something completely different like a park on a sunny day.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Well I'm sure this'll pass judgement and I think it'll get a pretty good score. I think somewhere close to 3.50, but we'll see. Anyway, it was a nice movie to watch, but it could still use a few improvements. I do hope to see more from you soon, maybe you can turn this into a series. Keep up the good work.

aivarmovies responds:

Thanx for awsome rewiew dude!!!

Lol, very nice movie

This was a very nice movie. It reminded me of the madness series, with all the random violence and all that. I guess there wasn't really a story in this, the characters just started hitting eachother and it got worse and worse. What I liked about this movie were:

The music and the sounds, they were pretty good. Some nice final fantasy music and the sounds were very good and run equal with the graphics (hope you know what I mean). I also liked the graphics, they were awesome. I especially liked the colors you used, the special effects were pretty good and everything was drawn pretty well. The graphics altogether looked good, which is important. What I also liked were all those damage numbers everywere in the screen. That was pretty funny although it was hard to see who damaged what sometimes. Also some people took over 9999 damage while I thought the max in FF games was 9999 HP, meh who cares? =P

Overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5. I really enjoyed watching this movie, and I don't think there are that much things to improve on. Maybe you could change the menuscreen at the end a bit, at least put some more colors in the background. Anyway, the outtakes at the end were also pretty cool, and I think it was a good idea to not put them in the movie, cause I don't think they would fit anywhere. Congrats with your award, I'm considering if I should add this submission to my favorites, I think I will. I'm off to watch some more of your movies now, keep up the excellent work and I hope to see part 6 soon.

matt-likes-swords responds:

Thanks for the review, but I prefer to start something new now, instead of continuing with this.

Wasn't sure if this was gonna pass through

Graphics: I liked the black and white and they suited the movie, but you need to work on the drawings. Sometimes they were alright and sometimes they were pretty bad. Also, you should decorate the hotel a bit with paintings and such. Anyway, the graphics were decent, but practice a bit on drawing.

Sounds/Music: Some nice wind sounds at the beginning, that suited the movie very well. The footsteps were also nice, the bell sounded a bit weird (wasn't that an MSN sound?). The voice-acting was decent, the voices weren't really that bad, but it was pretty hard to hear sometimes. Luckily you added subtitles. I would've added some music in this if I were you, I think it's very important in a movie like this one. Some scary music would be very nice. Anyway, the sound was one of the best parts in this in my opinion.

Interactivity: Well I know it isn't a game, so it doesn't need that much interactivity, but it would've been better if you added a menuscreen. The movie isn't that long, so a scene-selection isn't really necessary (it's always good if you add it though), but you could add a button to change the quality there. Also a button to view the credits and something with the volume and subtitles. Just some ideas (and don't forget a play button of course).

Overall 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. I didn't blam it, but I wasn't really sure if this was gonna pass. I thought that if it was gonna pass, it would have a score of like 1.80, but seems like it wasn't even close to getting blammed. Anyway, I saw at the end that maybe it'll become a series. I ain't really that interested in part 2, but I think you should still make a second episode. The most important thing right now is the drawings, improve those and maybe it'll become a pretty good series. We'll see.

Pigmash responds:

Thanks for the input. The bell noise wasnt an msn sound, but i was finding it really difficult to find the sound effect I wanted, so I had to settle with it. Same with the footsteps, I had to borrow them from the intro to a song. I wanted to make the backround music on this my own creation (Like "I Am Here") but I had to go for extremly distorted guitar instead of something more scary.
If there is a sequel, i doubt it'll be for a while and with other flash's inbetween, so graphics should have inproved by then at least.

Lol, nice movie

Graphics: Well it were sprites, so it isn't that hard to make decent graphics with them. I usually rate on the special effects then (like blood and stuff like that). Well those were pretty nice (compared to some other sprite movies). I don't like heads from photo's being put on sprite bodies, that always looks pretty stupid, but I guess that was all supposed to be part of the joke. Anyway, the graphics are good, not much wrong with.

Sounds/Music: The voice-acting was pretty good in this. I liked the voices. All the sounds were also good. There wasn't that much music in this, only when that guy turned into a werewolve by combat drugs, I thought that was the only part with music. Some more music would be nice. I still think the sounds is one of the best parts of all this, without all those nice sounds, the movie would be a lot less funny.

Violence: It was supposed to be a recuitment movie for Vietnam, but it was also supposed to be a funny movie. You didn't added that much violence, but at least you added some. I think that was a good decision, otherwise the movie would've been a bit too serious or it wouldn't look like a recruitment movie.

Interactivity: A pretty good looking menu-screen. I think you should've added a scene-selection there though. The movie is pretty long, so a scene-selection would be nice. I wouldn't add anything else, it's a movie after all, not a game.

Humor: Well that was also one of the best parts of this. I guess you wanted to make a funny movie, well I think you've pretty well then. The jokes in this were pretty funny in my opinion. I've also never seen a movie about Vietnam that was supposed to be funny here on Newgrounds, so I guess it was pretty original.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I think it was a nice movie, you've done a good job. The movie was pretty long, maybe a bit too long, but it wasn't boring or anything. Anyway, I think this stands a good chance to win the daily feature, 4.09 is a high score. Congrats if you get it, and otherwise, I'm sure it'll win at least a daily fifth. Anwyay, keep up the excellent work.

Ryan-Wolven responds:

daily second, close my man, thanks for the review.

I wanted to give it a 9, but it was too short

This epidose seemed a bit short. That was pretty dissapointing actually. With all the extra stuff at the menuscreen, I thought this is gonna be the first episode to get a 9 from me, but because it's so short, I'm even giving it a bit lower. The extra's were pretty nice, although it would have been more fun if you made a game with that. You know, something like, you see notes appearing and you have to play that note to score points or something like that. Well maybe the next one has a minigame. I noticed the menuscreens and preloader have more and more stuff in every episode. A sceneselection wasn't really necessary in this one, the movie was a bit short for that.

Anyway, I'm glad that John is finally defeated, I already said in the review for chapter 4 that it took a bit long. I was pretty curious about what was gonna happen to the other four guys, too bad it was only about that Bat guy (that's he's name, right?). You should've added some scenes to see what happens to those four characters, so that the movie a bit longer. The backgrounds, sounds, music etc. were once again excellent.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I forgot to congratulade you with your first daily feature award (for part 4). I noticed that almost every episode has a score of about 3.90, I guess you were lucky that there were no better movies the day you submitted this or you were unlucky that there were better ones the day you submitted the other chapters, that sounds a bit more positive =) Anyway, I think it was a nice, interesting movie again, I enjoyed watching it and I like your series so far.

MaxR responds:

Yeah, I was too excited about making teh fight scene long, longer than the previous ones, but looks like I ended up only with a fight scene. Oh, I forgot to tell you, thsi series will have 12 chapters.

I guess this is a new chapter of the story

I see you finally decided to add a menuscreen in this. I was a bit dissapointed that you removed everything at the preloader, but a menuscreen is always better of course. Because of that I gave you some more points for interactivity (still only a 5, cause it's not a game). Anyway, back to the movie.

Well I guess this is a new chapter of the story. The group is now split up, which probably means more stuff is going to happen. I liked the fact that they finally found somebody who isn't an enemy (the monks and orc like things), everybody they met in part 1-3 where all enemies. On the other hand, maybe this means there will be more talking and less fighting in the next episodes (this part already had less fighting). It doesn't really matter that much, as long as you don't add fucking long conversations about nothing at all. I do hope they're going to take out that John soon, cause if that's gonna take another 4 episodes then I guess the series won't be finished before 2007. He's only one of the five bad guys, so I expect this series will have at least about 20 episodes. Anyway, the graphics (I liked the backgrounds), sounds, music etc. were all good again.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Still not bored with the series at all, there is always something unexpected happening in every episode. I guess that keeps people interested. Part 3 is still my favorite, but this was also one of the better episodes so far in my opinion. I think this needed a good looking menuscreen and I'm glad you finally added one. What I didn't liked is that you removed the buttons in the text boxes. Now I have to read fast otherwise I can't follow it anymore.

MaxR responds:

You're right, splitting the characters apart will add more stuff happening at the same stuff, which was exactly what I was trying to do. The reason I took out the button in teh dialogue box is so that I can rhyme the music with the movie so it wont go offtune.

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