
258 Game Reviews

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I like puzzle games like this, but it needs a couple of improvements. First off, you're gonna have to work a bit on the graphics of this game. Sometimes they just look as if you were simply to lazy to work on this. The lines of the maze were not straight, the try again button looked very bad and the letters on the menuscreen seemed to miss their bottom. Only the flashlight looked decent, but that was it.

Second, you should add some music in this. Games without music get boring pretty soon. I personally had a little idea about sounds and music. Since it's halloween soon and this game is pretty dark, it would be cool if you made this more halloween themed. It would also be nice if you added a few enemies like ghosts in some dead ends. And you lose a life if you hit one of them (and you have 3 lifes etc.).

As for the rest, the menuscreen needs to improve a bit and you should add some more stuff in the mazes. The flash light was a pretty good idea, it's more fun then just an ordinary maze.

Overall 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. It wasn't really a fantastic game, just decent. You need to put a bit more work in it. The game was also pretty hard by the way, I gave up at level 5. It wasn't really hard to figure out the route, since it was always the one that looked the least obvious, but all those narrow passages started to annoy me a bit, so I decided to quit. Anyway, good luck with any other stuff you're going to make in the future.

Not bad, but a bit boring somehow

Well the game was not bad, but it was also a bit boring somehow. The main reason for this I think is that you cannot make your lasers stronger. You can have powerups that let you shoot in more directions and stuff, but you should've added stronger lasers and missiles and also make them stay forever, not just for 15 seconds. I also think the music was a bit boring. I had a feeling it was the same tune over and over again, there is not much change in the song. Of course you cannot change the song itself, so I suggest you put some different music in it. Another thing, I was at level 6 and I would expect a mini-boss or boss somewhere, but I haven't seen any. Maybe I just wasn't far enough, but if you didn't add bosses, then do that. It could make the game a bit more interesting.

As for the rest, like the guy below me said, the how to play button should've been a story button. It only tells the story and does not explain the controls. It would've been better if you added an instruction button somewhere, but luckily they're not too diffecult to find out. I liked the controls by the way, I usually prefer arrow keys and the spacebar, but somehow I think it was better to use the mouse for this game.

Of course there were also a few good things about this. The controls were good like I said above. The graphics were also not bad, I especially liked the backgrounds. I think it's also nice that you came up with a little story in this game. It doesn't really make the game more or less fun to play, but it's just a nice little extra thing. And the turn music off button was also a good idea, since the music was a bit boring (like I also mentioned above).

Overall 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I was a bit dissapointed when I saw the score and then played the game, but I see many people liked it more then me. 3.90 is a very good score, you can expect an award for this tomorrow. I still think you would deserve it, since I can see you've putted quite a lot of work in this and I can't say it's a bad game.

Nice game

Lol, I totally did not expect something like this. I expected a fighting game or something like that, but not a find the difference game. Anyway, it was a pretty nice game in my opinion. Not really the best I've seen, but still nice to play. It could use a couple of improvements still.

First of all, a few checkpoints in the game would be nice, it's pretty annoying that you have to start all over again when you don't make it. I would prefer a checkpoint for every level. Second, maybe you should add a few sounds for when you get the difference. It isn't really necessary, but it's just nice if it has it. Third, you should add something so that you lose time if you click wrong. The game was pretty easy, cause you could just keep on clicking, that also seemed to slow time a bit.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. There were also a few good things in this of course. I personally liked the conversations between the levels, especially how they were drawn. That looked pretty good. I also liked the pictures, so I gave you a pretty high score for the graphics. The music in this was also good, but like I said above, too bad it doesn't have any sounds. Anyway, I didn't finish this game cause I was too late a lot of times, then I had to start over again and could only remember 3 or 4 differences of most of the pictures, and I was too late once again.

Ow and by the way, there was a sixth difference at picture number eight or nine. If you see the girls head on the left of the screen, you see a small dot on her for-head that the other picture doesn't have (just below the crown). I nearly lost because I kept clicking on it while nothing happened.

Insp-Chin responds:

Whoa, a very long comments with all the points listed down... Well I've read all your message carefully, sorry for some of my mistakes to make you lost on the game, I've checked on that small dots and it looked I've kindly missed it a little, the circle should be a bit bigger or a little middle to that dots...

Well, thanks for your long comments and idea, it's good that you like my work, Auz, that's just a beginning since this is the first flash game, the first actionscript that I've applied into the game, so it might get a little messy or lack of error checking... And sorry cause I missed to check clearly on some parts as you said put a checkpoint on every stage... At the moment, I cannot do any changes, because of the very beginner I am now of knowing no much of the flash action script, but it's cool that my work has been appreciated by a great people like you cause you played carefully in the game and feel kindly awesome to have a visitor like you, Auz...

For the sound clips on every mistakes, yes, I admit that I missed it, else the game will be much more fun to be and it's cool that you said that you loved the voice actors so as the BGM, cause as my expectation it's super hard to stand in a good position here with this flash, cause it's japanese somehow...

By the way, thank you Auz!! :) Have a nice day...

Boring, needs some more work

Well everything looked alright and the sounds and music were pretty good, but the game itself isn´t really that exciting. All you gotta do is just wait until you have a bingo and that´s it. You can´t lose this game, and you can´t really win. That´s pretty boring. The first time I played a game for the full card, but I got bored after a few numbers. I didn´t really needed to pay attention, I could just look at the top of the screen which numbers were drawn so I could just do something else and wait till the end and then press bingo. I hoped that something special would happen if you had a bingo, but it just said: ´you have a bingo, congratulations´ and that´s it.

So I think this game needs a few more improvements. First of all, it should be a bit more challenging. You should add some computers who are also there and can also have a bingo after a while. It would be nice if you added money and if you win, you get all the money. If a computer has a bingo, you lose some money. Second, I would add a few more types of games, you know, not only full card, diagonal and a line, but also: Two lines, Three lines, Cross, and also something with certain numbers you have to get (like 10 20 30 40 etc.). Of course you should change the bets a bit, so that you can win/lose more money with full card then with one line. Third, maybe you should add some more stuff at the menusreen. An instructiouns button for example. I know almost everybody knows how bingo works but it just looks nice. Also an options button, which could be usefull to make the game easier or harder, if you decide to add computers. You could also add some more music there.

Overall 4 out of 10, 2 out of 5. Like I said, the graphics and sounds were alright, that´s probably the reason why it got a pretty good score, but the game was just boring. The reviewing score isn´t that good, so it´s stands a small chance of winning the underdog of the week award. I know there´ll probably be some other who has a much bigger difference, but we´ll see. Anyway, I hope you´ll improve this game a bit, put some more work in it.

A bit diffecult, but I still enjoyed it

Graphics: The graphics were good, they weren´t really great or anything, but they weren´t bad either. The stars at the background were nice, but maybe you should add a few big planets there. As for the space ship and the enemies, they looked a bit simple, but they were alright. Not much to improve on when it comes to graphics.

Sounds/Music: The sounds were excellent, I´m quite impressed. It´s one of the best things in this submission. The music at the menuscreen was also nice, suited the game pretty well. The game itself could use some music though (while playing the game). I wouldn´t mind if you add the same music as in the menuscreen there.

Interactivity: The controls were pretty easy, it´s nice that you can also shoot by pressing the Spacebar. I prefer using the Spacebar instead of A. Anyway, I must say, the menuscreen looked very nice and it had a lot of options to, good job.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I enjoyed playing this game although I think it was a bit diffecult. The game went a bit too fast sometimes, my high-score was only 6800 points. Perhaps you should make a button somewhere to make it a little bit easier. Anyway, I wouldn´t be suprised of this won an award tomorrow. Maybe not a daily first, but it would at least deserve a daily fifth. Keep up the good work.

Wasn't fantastic, but still a pretty good game

Graphics: The graphics in this game looked alright, it was nice that you added more types of backgrounds. I thought the grey, standard background looked a bit boring. I was nearly going to suggest a different background, but luckily I found the toggle background button. As for the rest, the ball, the batteries, the magnets and the all the other stuff you added looked alright.

Sounds/Music: The music in this wasn't bad, but it annoyed me a bit after a while. I haven't found a 'turn music off'-button in the game. I did found one when I pressed the right-mouse button, but I suggest you add that in the game, since I found it by accident. Just add a little button in the menuscreen somewhere for that and the button for the different songs. Anyway, the sounds were pretty good. There weren't that many, but that's okay. Maybe you could add some electrical sounds for those bateries, but that isn't really necessary.

Interactivity: The menuscreen was a bit confusing in my opinion. There was a lot of text there, and it was a bit diffecult to read cause the letters were a bit too small. Since you can't make the screen bigger, I think you should just add an explanation button somewhere. After you selected a game type, you also got a menuscreen which looked a bit better I think. Now as for the controls, they weren't that hard, just using the arrow keys and mouse, that's alright.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Well I have to admit, I didn't really think this game was fantastic or anything. The game was kinda hard. Of course that's okay, but it annoyed me after a while cause you have to do everything very carefully. I still gave it a pretty high score, cause I'm sure you've putten lots of work in it, seeing all those options and levels. Anyway, keep up the good work and congrats with your award.

Needs some more work

Hmm, I'm actually wondering how this could still get a decent score. There were a lot of things about this that I didn't liked. Well I'll first tell the things about this that were good. The music was nice, the text was not hard to read and the buttons worked as they should work. That was really all, now on to the bad things.

First of all, this wasn't really a personality test. This was more like a 'learn more about yourself' test. The questions didn't really had anything to do with my personality. Second, the menuscreen looked a bit boring. Well actually everything looked a bit boring. Try to use more colors then black and blue, grey would be good I think. You could also add some pictures and stuff like that, that would make it look nice. Third, I suggest you add more questions, 3 isn't that much, you're done with this pretty quickly. I would also suggest you add something so that I can fill in the answers and don't have to write everything down. Right now, it was a bit too simple. Just some buttons and some text, even I could make that and I have barely worked with flash. Fourth, some small things. It would be nice if you added some sounds for when you press a button. Some more options at the menuscreen would also be nice. You should also re-check you're spelling before you submit. There was a little mistake at the end: Repley should be replay. I dunno if you added that on purpose, but didn't seem like you did that, so I suggest you change it. There were a few other mistakes as well, but I saw that you already removed those (I played this when it was still under judgement).

Overall 3 out of 10, 1 out of 5. I didn't really liked this 'personality test'. Like I said, I think this was a bit too simple. Of course that's alright as long as it has not yet been done before, but I've seen more personality test on Newgrounds that were better then this one. I hope you'll resubmit this and put some more work in it next time.

Kinda boring

Graphics: The cannon itself didn't looked that bad, but the rest didn't had any details at all. The background could use some mountains, clouds, the sun and trees. The ground could use some plants and rocks, and the lifeforms looked a bit simple. The cannonball also didn't looked good (cannonballs are usually black, not red), so put a bit more work in the details, graphics are very important you know.

Sounds/Music: There weren't that many sounds in this. I suggest you also add some sounds for when you move the cannon and when a cannonball hits the grounds. The game also needs some backgroundmusic. Games are a bit boring without it, so please add some.

Violence: Well it doesn't need any blood, but some explosions would be nice. The lifeform just dissapears when you kill it, that looks a bit bad. Also add some explosions when the cannonball hits the ground

Interactivity: The controls weren't that hard, but still I didn't really liked them. A couple of times, I was still holding the space bar and the cannon was already shooting, that was kinda annoying. I also think it's pretty annoying when the power bar goes to two sides (know what I mean?). Please change that. As for the rest: the menuscreen wasn't that great, but at least it has one. Nice that you can submit you're score somewhere but I didn't really felt like doing that. And please add a retry button, I had to press right click and play all the time.

Overall 4 out of 10, 2 out of 5. The game wasn't really that great in my opinion. It's fun for a short while, but it start to get boring pretty soon. To make it less boring, I suggest you add music (as I mentioned above), powerups and make the enemies move a bit more diffecult, not just from the right to the left but also up and down. Ow and by the way, there's a pretty easy way to get unlimited amount of points at the first level. When you start, get some points and then just press right click, then press play. It says game over, then press right click and play again and you'll start over again with the score you had. Anyway, please try and improve this game a bit more.

triumpth responds:

Thanks, a good review! I will improve on your points.

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