Proves that simple games are usually the best
A very cool game. Simple, but lots of fun and very addicting. I still got a few small complaints though.
First off, well you said you don´t like music in flashes and of course I could also just listen to my own MP3´s, but I think it would be better if it has music in it. You could always add a "turn music off" button for people like you who don´t like music in flashes. I think flashes are better with music. The game could also use a couple of sounds maybe, or just one for when you hit a cube.
Second, in the second level (where the screen turns black), the color you used for the cubes is a bit annoying. It hurts my eyes actually, so maybe you should make them a little less bright (or use a diffent color like blue instead). The rest of the graphics are awesome in my opinion. Normally I would prefer a good looking background, but it´s much better this way.
Third, well you could make the points go up less fast. I mean, you could easily divide the amount of points by 100. You don´t have to do anything and you already have 15000 points. It isn´t that important, but I don´t really like those huge numbers.
Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Like I said, this is a very good game, proves that simple games are usually the best. It´s a bit diffecult in the beginning, but you´ll get the hang of it after a few tries. I wouldn´t change too much in this game. Just a few small improvements at some places and I probably would´ve voted 5. By the way, my highest score was about 468000, it got really diffecult after the second speed up. Maybe you should add a little highscore list in this as well. Anyway, keep up the excellent work. Hope to see some more of these games from you.