
258 Game Reviews

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Proves that simple games are usually the best

A very cool game. Simple, but lots of fun and very addicting. I still got a few small complaints though.

First off, well you said you don´t like music in flashes and of course I could also just listen to my own MP3´s, but I think it would be better if it has music in it. You could always add a "turn music off" button for people like you who don´t like music in flashes. I think flashes are better with music. The game could also use a couple of sounds maybe, or just one for when you hit a cube.

Second, in the second level (where the screen turns black), the color you used for the cubes is a bit annoying. It hurts my eyes actually, so maybe you should make them a little less bright (or use a diffent color like blue instead). The rest of the graphics are awesome in my opinion. Normally I would prefer a good looking background, but it´s much better this way.

Third, well you could make the points go up less fast. I mean, you could easily divide the amount of points by 100. You don´t have to do anything and you already have 15000 points. It isn´t that important, but I don´t really like those huge numbers.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Like I said, this is a very good game, proves that simple games are usually the best. It´s a bit diffecult in the beginning, but you´ll get the hang of it after a few tries. I wouldn´t change too much in this game. Just a few small improvements at some places and I probably would´ve voted 5. By the way, my highest score was about 468000, it got really diffecult after the second speed up. Maybe you should add a little highscore list in this as well. Anyway, keep up the excellent work. Hope to see some more of these games from you.

Looked very nice, but still needs some more work

Graphics: These were pretty good. The drawings were very nice. The colors were bright which looked good, although maybe they were a bit too bright. The textstyle and color were also excellent. Can´t complain much when it comes to graphics.

Sounds/Music: The music was nice, suited the movie well, but it´s good that you added a "music off" button. I got a bit annoyed by the song after a while. It´s too bad that you didn´t add any sounds in this. I think it would´ve been better if it had some sounds.

Interactivity: Well it had a pretty good looking menuscreen and the turn the music off button was a good idea like I said above. About the games, they were fun to play for a short while, but I got a bit bored soon. I mean, the "build a snowman" game takes too long. The % competed went up too slow. You should speed it up a little. You could also make us use more buttons then just the spacebar. The memory game was easy in the beginning, but suddenly became very hard after level 5. I still managed to get through a few levels, but I think it would be better if in the first two or three levels you just have to remember two snowman. Then from the next couple of levels three snowman. Then four, then five etc. That would make it easier and more fun to play I think.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Still gave it quite a decent score cause of the excellent lay-out and a few other things. The idea of adding simple games was also good, but they need a bit more work. Also, you could add some more minigames to this. I´m sure you can think of a few more to expand it. Games where you have to collect/catch stuff for example. Anyway, keep it up.

BORKOYz responds:

Wow thanx for the detailed review. Umm with the music i didnt really listen to it becuase i had to get it finnished today also about the Build-A-Snowman i should of made it quicker to get up to 100% and i couldnt really think of a n e other games to add to it because of the rush to finnish it.

Nice game, but still needs even more work

Nice game. I can see you've had a lot of work making this one. However, I think it needs even more work.

Let's start with the graphics. They were alright, Samus looked very good and the monsters looked good as well. The rest was drawn quite decent, but there's still room for some improvement. The special effect could be a bit better (talking about the lasers , explosions and beams and such). Also, the background just looked a bit ugly somehow.

On to the controls. Well I would prefer using "A" to jump instead of "X". Or change the "S" for the shooting into "C". As they were now, they were a bit annoying. I was also thinking, maybe you could add a few more weapons like they have in Metroid Prime. Missiles would be a good idea I think, and maybe you could add Morphball mode. You could add more puzzels then, that you have to solve in Morphball mode (I'm not sure if I could get those two things later since I couldn't beat the first boss)

And last, some programming stuff. Sometimes I jumped through walls, fell through floors, got stuck and kept on floating for a while. You really need to fix all this stuff, cause you could get pretty irritated by it. Another thing that was wrong, in training mode, I wasn't able to reach the second platform by double jumping. Maybe I was doing something wrong, but I just couldn't get on it. The monsters were also very hard to beat and like I said above, I couldn't beat the first boss. I shot him many times, but he didn't lost any of his health and I died after a while. Maybe you should make it a bit easier.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I have to say, it's too bad that you worked so long in it and that it's still not even close to perfect. Try to fix all the stuff I mentioned above and I hope it'll be much better then. The score it currently has is still very good though, so I can imagine you are satisfied with it. Anyway, the best thing it this were the sounds and music. I really liked those and they suited the game well. Keep up the good work.

I liked this game a lot

Graphics: The graphics were very nice in this game. I can´t say I was really amazed by them, but they were just good. Maybe the explosions could use a bit more work. A bigger explosion would be fun, it´s a bit small now. Anyway, it´s nice that you also payed attention to small things. You could see the ball turning around and the trampoline actually bounced. It would´ve been nice if it only bounced at one place and not at the whole trampoline though, but that´s just a little detail that doesn´t matter that much. I think you´ve done a good job when it comes to graphics. I also liked the day and night thing a lot by the way.

Music / Sounds: The music in this was pretty good, suited the game pretty well. I only didn´t really liked the third song (that came up at about level 15), but it´s nice that it at least has different songs. As for the sounds, those were pretty good. Can´t really complain about them. Perhaps the bombs could also have a bouncing sounds for when they hit the trampoline and sounds for buttons on the menuscreen would be nice, but again, those are just small things.

Interactivity: The controls were not diffecult at all. It was good that the ball did not immediatly turned to the left when he was going to the right, but first had to turn. That made the game a bit harder. I liked the scene creator you added, you could always make your own levels if you finished all 50. The menuscreen itself looked pretty good, I wouldn´t change anything there. One thing that was a bit too bad was that some levels were a lot easier then the levels before. Level 28 for example was much easier then level 26 (It was even easier then level 3) and there were also a couple of other late levels that were very easy to complete.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I think this was an excellent game, it´s very addictive. It would´ve deserve an award in my opinion. I´m quite suprised that it didn´t even won a daily fifth. Anyway, I hope to see some more stuff from you soon, keep up the good work.

Edvin responds:

Woah... C.O.M.P.L.I.C.A.T.E.D.

Great game

Graphics: The graphics in this were pretty good. It all looked a bit like a gameboy advance screen, cause of the horizontal lines. I liked that somehow. The drawings were not bad, the special effects could use some improvement though. The wizards attack looked pretty bad, I hope you´re gonna make that look a bit better. Anyway, beside the special effects, I think the graphics don´t need that much improvement.

Sounds/Music: The best part of this submission in my opinion. The music in this was excellent. The songs suited the levels pretty well. The sounds in this were also great. Everything sounded very realistic. Only the menuscreen could use some music and sounds. You could add some sounds for when you mouse over a button and when you click it.

Interactivity: At first, I thought the controls would be pretty diffecult, but they were pretty easy actually. That was good, diffecult controls can really ruin games. The language selection in the beginning was pretty new to me, I gave you some bonus points for that. I was thinking that maybe it would be fun if you could also use that sword the orc carries on his back. You could make it like that you have a limited amount of ammo and you´re gonna have to use your sword when you run out. Of course you could add ammo boxes along the way so that you can refill your ammo. I was also thinking, maybe you can add a few more weapons like grenades. I think that would make this game even more fun.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Well I enjoyed playing this pretty simple game. It was nice that you could play as an orc and had to defeat the good guys. That was a pretty original idea. Anyway, it has a pretty good score, so perhaps it will win a daily award tomorrow. Probably not a daily first or second, but it would at least deserve a daily fifth. Keep up the excellent work.

raitendo responds:

glad you liked the music! be sure to check out other stuff available in the audio portal Jacob has made and feel free to write reviews for it as well!

Pretty nice game

I think this was a pretty nice game. Of course I´ve seen games that were better, but this one was pretty good still. It had some nice music, which is pretty important. I also liked the day and night time thing and that it actually turned dark. It isn´t really usefull or anything, but it just looked nice. As for the rest, I also liked the upgrades and the enemy guide. There weren´t that much different types of enemies though.

There were also a few things that could use some improvement in my opinion. First of all, I think the battleground could use a few more details. It´s only some grass right now and a brown path through it. I think it would be nice if you added a couple of trees, bushes and some water. You could make a few more enemies as well then that hide under water and in the trees. Second, I think it could use some sounds. The music was pretty good like I said, but it didn´t had any sounds at all. Third, you need to work a bit on the castle. It was just a square with a few smaller squares in it, that didn´t look good in my opinion. You don´t have to add a lot of details in it, but this just looked a bit simple. Also it could use some better special effects. When a fireball hit the enemy, it just kinda dissapeared, it didn´t to anything spectacular. It would´ve been nice if there would be a small explosion there. Fourth, I think the giants appeared a bit too quickly. At level 5, I had a huge castle, 2 times faster spells, 1 time more powerfull fireballs and 1 tower with iron arrows and I still barely had a chance when a giant appeared.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Well as you can see, I think the most important thing that you need to improve is the graphics (battlefield, special effects, castle etc.). That´s too bad since the graphics are one of the most important things to me in a submission. Anyway, even though it could use some more work, I still think it was an alright game. Most of those ´defend your castle / base´-games are pretty cool and challenging. Keep up the good work.


This game is so much fun to play, it´s one of the most addicting games I´ve ever played on Newgrounds. The idea of the game is pretty simple, just walk around and destroy houses (and collect fuel along the way), but that´s what makes this such a good game. It was quite diffecult to get a very high score. I guess it´s all just a matter of luck. You just have to be lucky that every part has fuel and that you do not have to walk that far to get it.

Anyway, the graphics in this were pretty good. The screen was kinda the same the whole time, except that the colors changed. Maybe you should add a few more buildings, as far as I could see, there were only two. I liked the DS form by the way, dunno why you did that, cause it wasn´t really necessary or anything, but it looks nice. The sounds in this were good and I think the music was an excellent choice. It´s fast paced, so it really speeds up the game, making it so much more fun. What I especially liked about this, was the jackpot system. That was a pretty cool idea, although I didn´t really got that much points from it. The highest I could ever get it was 170000 points, but too bad, I went game over then.

Overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5. Like I said, one of the most addicting games I´ve ever played. I think I´ve played it for about 2 hours in total now, and I´m still not bored with it. I didn´t got a high score yet though, 9000000 seems to be nearly impossible, my best was about 300000. Anyway, I´m glad to see another Mausland game here, it has been a while since Indian Outlaw was submitted (I thought that was your latest). Well I hope to see some more stuff from Mausland soon, keep up the excellent work.

Excellent game

I can rememer playing a game that was exactly like this a few months ago (except for a few improvements). I must say, I really liked this. One of the best parts of this game was the music in my opinion. It was really awesome and suited the game very well. The graphics were also pretty cool in my opinion, although some of the offensive spells didn´t really seemed to do anything. Of course they did some damage, but that wizard guy was just pointing it´s staff forward and the enemy took damage. It would´ve been better if you actually saw something for when you press bomb for example.

Another thing that I didn´t really liked about this game were the long battles. The battles took so long cause even the level 1 opponents had quite a lot of HP and he kept healing himself. This also made the battles pretty hard. The damage the opponent did seemed to be random. Sometimes the enemy did 10 damage and sometimes over 80. I´ve done defense up a lot of times and it didn´t helped that much. The enemy still did quite a lot of damage sometimes (50+). This made me get stuck after the second battle on level 1. I couldn´t defeat the first opponent on level 2 either and I didn´t have enough money or points left to improve my stats.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. It´s still a very good game, even though I didn´t liked a few things. I can see that this probably took quite a long while to make, so I hope that this´ll win an award, it would deserve one. Anyway, I hope to see some more of this stuff, keep up the excellent work and good luck with any other projects.

It's very old, but it's still a good game

Well I was just checking out the games page and I saw this little game. I must say I liked this version of poker. It's a pretty old game (not talking about poker, but the flash itself) and they're usually a lot worse then the submissions these days, but I still enjoyed playing this game. I think it even deserved higher then the kinda average score it has now. The things that I liked about this were for example the graphics. The whole screen looked pretty good. The text was nice and I liked that there was some animation in this. Another something that I think was good was the little double up game after you won something. It makes the game a little bit more interesting.

There are also still a few things that you should've changed though.
First of all, you should've added some music in this. After playing it for a while, the game got a bit boring, cause it's just too quiet. The sounds were alright though. Second, one pair should be worth something. For one pair, you should get your bet back. For two pair maybe 1.5 times your bet etc. Then you should still keep that wild card in, cause you don't get that one that often. Third, well I had -133 dollars at some point and I was wondering if there was some limit. I don't think there was, so 0 or -100 should be the limit in my opinion.

Overall 7 out of 10. I think it was a good game like I mentioned before. I doubt it would've won a daily second these days, but I'm sure it would've passed judgement. Too bad the score dropped quite a lot during the last couple of years. Anyway, you've done a good job.

Age 35, Male

The Netherlands

Joined on 2/23/05

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