Don´t like teasers much, but I´m curious
Well, too bad this was just a teaser. I don´t really see the point in submitting teasers here. You made me curious and I could keep an eye out for it now. But when exactly do you plan to submit this? It says "coming soon", that could be in a couple of days, next week, next month, in a few months.... by then, everybody have already forgotten about this teaser anyway, it really won´t get that much extra attention. And if it is a very good movie, it´ll get plenty of attention once submitted, so there really isn´t much point in submitting teasers.
But anyway, so far it looks pretty awesome. The drawings are very good, really don´t think you could improve much on that. The music is a bit weird, but I think it would suit the movie pretty well. As for other stuff, well, I think you should´ve added a bit more action in this if your goal was to make people curious. I do hope the series will have lots of action. You should also add a replay button at the end of the episodes and you could maybe add scene-selections if the episodes are long.
Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Again, too bad it was a teaser. It wasn´t very long, and it just had some text and a couple of short scenes. Anyway, I do hope you´ll submit this soon and I do hope you finish this project and don´t stop somewhere halfway (like some other people do). Good luck with the series.