Best clock day movie
Graphics: Everything was in clock style and well, the clocks themselves are always drawn pretty well. The backgrounds and all that also looked pretty good and had a lot of details (and not every clock movie has detailed backgrounds). The movie went a bit slow during the fight and I had it on low quality, so I dunno if that has anything to do with the flash, but maybe you can fix it. Anyway, I think there is nothing wrong with the graphics, 9/10.
Sound/Music: Great voice-acting really. The storyteller sounded the same as in the movie, right? I think you did a pretty good job there, I dunno how you did that, but well done. The rest of the voices were also pretty good and suited the characters well. The sounds in the battle were also very good and very realistic. I don't think you can add better music, so as for the sounds, 10/10.
Interactivity: Not a huge menuscreen or something like that, just something at the top of the screen. I like that actually, now I can change the quality while I'm watching if I want to. An option for adding subtitles was also a good idea, no dutch subtitles this time, too bad =(. Only a scene-selection would be nice, but I already saw that you wanted to add that. For now I'll give the interactivity 5 out of 10 (for me, that's pretty high for a movie).
Humor: Really funny to see a NG/Clock version of the lord of the rings. Pretty original too. I liked all the stuff about mount blam and the rings that are changed into votes =) 8/10
Overall 9 out of 10. Great movie, I liked it alot. Best clock day movie I've seen and at least this one deserved the high score (unlike many other crappy submissions yesterday). I'm also glad that a real clock won the daily first and not some clock wannabe with a very bad movie. Anyway, I hope part 2 will come out pretty soon. I'm pretty curious about how you're gonna make it, cause in the real movie, the beginning was less serious then the prologue. Anyway, congrats with the daily first. Keep up the excellent work and good luck with making part 2.