
306 Movie Reviews

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Wasn't sure if this was gonna pass through

Graphics: I liked the black and white and they suited the movie, but you need to work on the drawings. Sometimes they were alright and sometimes they were pretty bad. Also, you should decorate the hotel a bit with paintings and such. Anyway, the graphics were decent, but practice a bit on drawing.

Sounds/Music: Some nice wind sounds at the beginning, that suited the movie very well. The footsteps were also nice, the bell sounded a bit weird (wasn't that an MSN sound?). The voice-acting was decent, the voices weren't really that bad, but it was pretty hard to hear sometimes. Luckily you added subtitles. I would've added some music in this if I were you, I think it's very important in a movie like this one. Some scary music would be very nice. Anyway, the sound was one of the best parts in this in my opinion.

Interactivity: Well I know it isn't a game, so it doesn't need that much interactivity, but it would've been better if you added a menuscreen. The movie isn't that long, so a scene-selection isn't really necessary (it's always good if you add it though), but you could add a button to change the quality there. Also a button to view the credits and something with the volume and subtitles. Just some ideas (and don't forget a play button of course).

Overall 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. I didn't blam it, but I wasn't really sure if this was gonna pass. I thought that if it was gonna pass, it would have a score of like 1.80, but seems like it wasn't even close to getting blammed. Anyway, I saw at the end that maybe it'll become a series. I ain't really that interested in part 2, but I think you should still make a second episode. The most important thing right now is the drawings, improve those and maybe it'll become a pretty good series. We'll see.

Pigmash responds:

Thanks for the input. The bell noise wasnt an msn sound, but i was finding it really difficult to find the sound effect I wanted, so I had to settle with it. Same with the footsteps, I had to borrow them from the intro to a song. I wanted to make the backround music on this my own creation (Like "I Am Here") but I had to go for extremly distorted guitar instead of something more scary.
If there is a sequel, i doubt it'll be for a while and with other flash's inbetween, so graphics should have inproved by then at least.

Lol, nice movie

Graphics: Well it were sprites, so it isn't that hard to make decent graphics with them. I usually rate on the special effects then (like blood and stuff like that). Well those were pretty nice (compared to some other sprite movies). I don't like heads from photo's being put on sprite bodies, that always looks pretty stupid, but I guess that was all supposed to be part of the joke. Anyway, the graphics are good, not much wrong with.

Sounds/Music: The voice-acting was pretty good in this. I liked the voices. All the sounds were also good. There wasn't that much music in this, only when that guy turned into a werewolve by combat drugs, I thought that was the only part with music. Some more music would be nice. I still think the sounds is one of the best parts of all this, without all those nice sounds, the movie would be a lot less funny.

Violence: It was supposed to be a recuitment movie for Vietnam, but it was also supposed to be a funny movie. You didn't added that much violence, but at least you added some. I think that was a good decision, otherwise the movie would've been a bit too serious or it wouldn't look like a recruitment movie.

Interactivity: A pretty good looking menu-screen. I think you should've added a scene-selection there though. The movie is pretty long, so a scene-selection would be nice. I wouldn't add anything else, it's a movie after all, not a game.

Humor: Well that was also one of the best parts of this. I guess you wanted to make a funny movie, well I think you've pretty well then. The jokes in this were pretty funny in my opinion. I've also never seen a movie about Vietnam that was supposed to be funny here on Newgrounds, so I guess it was pretty original.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I think it was a nice movie, you've done a good job. The movie was pretty long, maybe a bit too long, but it wasn't boring or anything. Anyway, I think this stands a good chance to win the daily feature, 4.09 is a high score. Congrats if you get it, and otherwise, I'm sure it'll win at least a daily fifth. Anwyay, keep up the excellent work.

Ryan-Wolven responds:

daily second, close my man, thanks for the review.

Nice episode once again

I´m finally able to review this part. As I already said in the RC, the computer didn´t let me watch episode 6, so that´s why it took a bit long. Anyway, a nice episode once again. It was indeed a bit longer then the other ones. Good that it didn´t had any long, boring conversations. It also had some good fights, nice to see a couple of new characters. I expect to see that Deep guy (weird name) in one of the future episodes again. Some more backgroundstory about that guy would be nice. I only know he killed Rudolfs master and Rudolf wants revenge.

I saw that you completely changed the menu. I liked the new lay-out, although it was too bad it didn´t had any extra stuff, like the last part had. I think you should add a minigame in one of the episodes. The scene-selection looked pretty cool by the way. I´ve never seen a scene-selection like that before. The text-box has also changed, it also looked good. It´s pretty big though, it only needs about half of the size it is now. The text would still be pretty easy to read. Anyway, one thing that looked pretty bad in my opinion was that wooden house at the end (where Henry and Woody were). You should´ve added some paintings on the wall and some other decorations.

Overall 9 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I wasn´t sure if I should give this an eight or a nine. The menu didn´t had as many options as the last couple of episodes, but the movie itself is longer and the scene-selection looked better. I decided to give it a 9, but I´ll vote 4 then. Anyway, it was a very good episode. You said the next couple of episodes were better then the first ones. I deffinatly hope so. I also hope I can review part 7 this weekend.

I wanted to give it a 9, but it was too short

This epidose seemed a bit short. That was pretty dissapointing actually. With all the extra stuff at the menuscreen, I thought this is gonna be the first episode to get a 9 from me, but because it's so short, I'm even giving it a bit lower. The extra's were pretty nice, although it would have been more fun if you made a game with that. You know, something like, you see notes appearing and you have to play that note to score points or something like that. Well maybe the next one has a minigame. I noticed the menuscreens and preloader have more and more stuff in every episode. A sceneselection wasn't really necessary in this one, the movie was a bit short for that.

Anyway, I'm glad that John is finally defeated, I already said in the review for chapter 4 that it took a bit long. I was pretty curious about what was gonna happen to the other four guys, too bad it was only about that Bat guy (that's he's name, right?). You should've added some scenes to see what happens to those four characters, so that the movie a bit longer. The backgrounds, sounds, music etc. were once again excellent.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I forgot to congratulade you with your first daily feature award (for part 4). I noticed that almost every episode has a score of about 3.90, I guess you were lucky that there were no better movies the day you submitted this or you were unlucky that there were better ones the day you submitted the other chapters, that sounds a bit more positive =) Anyway, I think it was a nice, interesting movie again, I enjoyed watching it and I like your series so far.

MaxR responds:

Yeah, I was too excited about making teh fight scene long, longer than the previous ones, but looks like I ended up only with a fight scene. Oh, I forgot to tell you, thsi series will have 12 chapters.

I guess this is a new chapter of the story

I see you finally decided to add a menuscreen in this. I was a bit dissapointed that you removed everything at the preloader, but a menuscreen is always better of course. Because of that I gave you some more points for interactivity (still only a 5, cause it's not a game). Anyway, back to the movie.

Well I guess this is a new chapter of the story. The group is now split up, which probably means more stuff is going to happen. I liked the fact that they finally found somebody who isn't an enemy (the monks and orc like things), everybody they met in part 1-3 where all enemies. On the other hand, maybe this means there will be more talking and less fighting in the next episodes (this part already had less fighting). It doesn't really matter that much, as long as you don't add fucking long conversations about nothing at all. I do hope they're going to take out that John soon, cause if that's gonna take another 4 episodes then I guess the series won't be finished before 2007. He's only one of the five bad guys, so I expect this series will have at least about 20 episodes. Anyway, the graphics (I liked the backgrounds), sounds, music etc. were all good again.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Still not bored with the series at all, there is always something unexpected happening in every episode. I guess that keeps people interested. Part 3 is still my favorite, but this was also one of the better episodes so far in my opinion. I think this needed a good looking menuscreen and I'm glad you finally added one. What I didn't liked is that you removed the buttons in the text boxes. Now I have to read fast otherwise I can't follow it anymore.

MaxR responds:

You're right, splitting the characters apart will add more stuff happening at the same stuff, which was exactly what I was trying to do. The reason I took out the button in teh dialogue box is so that I can rhyme the music with the movie so it wont go offtune.

Best episode so far

In my opinion, this was the best episode so far. A lot of action in this one. Some talking at the beginning, but that didn't bother me. Anyway, it were some good fights, although the sorcerers were beaten pretty easily. That was about the same as with episode 2, I think it would've been better if those fights took a bit longer and the main characters had a little bit more trouble beating them.

I also noticed that a lot of things were moving during the fights. The girl who was moving the ice block, Henry was shooting arrows, the other two guys just fought with their hands, the wizards tried to defend themselves. It looks good, but I have to watch the episode twice if I want to see what everybody was doing. Anyway, one thing that has improved in my opinion was the sounds and the music. I liked the final fantasy music you added (those games always have good music) and I'm not sure, but I think you've added some more sounds at some places. That's a good thing, so I gave a bit higher for the sound. I also think the graphics were very good again. I'm pretty suprised that the rain and all the other things that were moving in the screen didn't caused the movie to run slower, good job.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I said it was the best episode so far, but I don't think it deserves a 9, sorry (I do not easily give things a high vote). Anyway, I think you've done a good job here again. The series haven't bored me so far. By the way I also noticed that orc from the beginning (MaxR productions screen) passes by in every episode. Is that some kinda easteregg or what?

MaxR responds:

I too thought this was the best chapter so far comparing with ch.1 and ch.2 I do try to have many movements in teh fight so you really get more action, and like you said, watch it twice even. The peon is kinda like an easter egg, but I regret not making it clickable. The peon is my producton icon.

Not as good as part 1, but still good

Second episode of the series. No explanation about the story in this one, too bad. I guess there are 5 enemies that the main characters try to kill and they save their country or the world or whatever by doing that, right? It would've been easier if I knew about the game.

Anyway, I think this episode was not as good as episode 1, the first part was just a little bit better. Maybe cause the first episode had a better fight with a stronger enemy (the archers were kinda weak). I also didn't liked the close-ups. The music in this was still nice, I like the offspring. I'm happy that you didn't added heavy metal music as in most people do in movies with fights (I hate that). The graphics were also very good again, the fights looked excellent and I really like the backgrounds you use. The forest and the prison looked great. I saw you also had a different kind of preloader. The preloader already says what's going to happen in the episode. I don't have any problems with that, and if you use it like that, the preloader is fine with me (know what I'm saying?).

Overall I'd give this 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. As I already mentioned, I didn't think this one was as good as part 1, but it was a good sprite-movie. Still no scene-selection, but I guess I'm too late with suggesting that. Anyway, I hope the next parts will only get better and better. I'm very interested in the next couple of episodes, I'll watch part 3 pretty soon.

MaxR responds:

Yup, I gotta admit ch.1 was better than ch.2 due to excitement of me trying to make more movies quickly, maybe too quickly. But if you will see ch.3 it makes it up for this chapter's disapointment,

A good first episode

Alright, my first review for this series (yes I'm gonna review them all). Let's see, the first movie of the series. It was an interesting one, not starting with a loooong story, but it almost immediatly starts with some action. I like that, although I do not really know what is going on right now. I barely know anything about the characters yet. I hope the next episode will explain some things. Anyway, back to the movie:

Graphics: Well it were sprites, it isn't that hard to make decent graphics with them. When it comes to sprites I usually rate on the special effects and how the moving/fighting looks. The walking didn't look so good. It went a bit slow. The fighting however looked excellent. The special effects (I mean all that eyelazer and fireball stuff) also looked very good. I think there's nothing wrong with the graphics.

Sounds/Music: It had some good music. I think it suited the movie pretty well. The sounds were also alright, you even added sounds for footsteps, I liked that. Anyway, same as with the graphics: nothing wrong with.

Interactivity: I didn't really liked the menuscreen (or the preloader, whatever). You could've added a scene selection and some other things there. I did liked the buttons at the textboxes. I don't have to read so fast then. The boxes looked pretty nice, the button could look a bit better.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. An interesting first part as I already said. It's one of the better sprite movies I've seen here on Newgrounds for sure. I'll probably give part 2 a review tonight and otherwise tomorrow, if I can still remember it of course =). Anyway, I hope episode 2 will be as good as this one.

MaxR responds:

Thanks for the review. This was my first movie and chapter of the series, so I was pretty much new at it back then. But I improve every chapter by looking back at my previous ones and see what was missing and what needs changing. I will be looking forward your other reviews.

Excellent movie

An excellent movie, with a lot of humor, 'perfect' graphics, good voice-acting and sounds, but it was too bad that it was a little bit short. That was one of the few bad parts of it, so that's the reason it doesn't get a 10.

The other bad parts in this were that I think you should add some subtitles to this. Not that I couldn't follow the movie, but sometimes I didn't understood what was said. Even if it was all very clear, it's still nice to have some subtitles in it. Also you should add a good looking menuscreen in this with scene-selection (and if you really want a score of 4.50+ you should add a minigame). I know I said the movie wasn't that long, but it's the same as with the subtitles, it's nice if a movie has that.

I would like to see more episodes of this. Somewhere in the movie I saw that there were more contestans (like darunia, ingo, ruto and an evil plant) so why not make episodes where you can see how they all get voted away. That would be pretty cool and I'm sure it'll be a very populair series. I know it's probably a lot of work to make this, but you'll get famous (on NG) =)

Anyway overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5. I already told you why I didn't gave it a 10. Anyway, I hope you'll make new episodes in the future. This one goes to my favorites for sure. You did a very good job for one of your first movies (maybe you made something before, but this is the first thing you submitted), keep up the excellent work.

Stingicide responds:

I did go through and add subtitles before I submitted it, but I found that they drastically took away from all the quick visual references in the movie. Thanks for the suggestion anyway, next time I'll try to make the audio clearer so no one misses anything.

Nice try, but just boring

Like the guy before me said, it was no game. It was simply a movie with videogame characters. Not that it really matters, but it would be better if you change it. About the movie:

Graphics: The graphics were kinda weird. I think Mario's drawing was alright (I like real drawings more then sprites) and the rest of the drawings were also not bad (I mean the drawings of people, the fire at the beginning and the pipe part at the end looked pretty bad), but the animation wasn't that good. I suggest you work a bit on that. It's always good to work on the graphics by the way, could improve the score a lot.

Sounds/Music: At the beginning I thought it had no sounds at all. You could've at least added some music there and some sounds for the fire and all that. Also, the voice-acting was pretty bad, really. If that's you, then I doubt that your 15 years old (sounds more like 13 to me). Anyway, I suggest you add some more music and sounds to this, cause the silence is kinda boring.

Violence: The violence wasn't that good. Not that there was supposed to be a lot of violence in this, but the part were Luigi was on fire looked pretty bad. It would've been fine with me if you only make his face and his clothes black.

Overall 3 out of 10, 1 out of 5. The movie is just a bit boring, not much stuff happens and too much silence. The movie was also too long. For example: You could make the part were Mario thinks (and the camera zooms in) a bit shorter. You should remove the 'silent part' and the part were Mario starts partying because he's tired doesn't make sense. And then at the end you see: "to be continued", well sorry, but I ain't very interested in part 2. This is gonna need a lot of work before it will get a decent score. Anyway I still wish you good luck with making part 2 and I hope it'll be a lot better then this one.

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