Improved a bit, but still not good
Well it has improved a bit. I can see that it's a bit longer then episode one. I still don't think it's a good movie though. Many things could use improvement in this.
First of all, the graphics need some improvement. They didn't looked that good in my opinion. Also I would've choosen some different sprites, I know that these are from the original game and your probably are going to say that I'm not a true Zelda fan if I don't like these and blah blah. I do like most Zelda games, but I know that there are better Zelda sprites out there that could make the movie a lot better. The backgrounds were also very bad and had no details. Sometimes it was just an orange and a blue square that's supposed to be the sea and the beach or something. Second, you should add some more sounds and music in it. It already has some sounds and music, I know that, but at some moments there were none and that made the movie a bit boring. Third, like you already said, the scene selection is a bit pointless. When I click at that, it says: Scene 1, Scene 2 and Scene 3. This doesn't mean anything to me, at least make something so that I know when scene 2 and 3 starts. Also, you must make the movies a bit longer if you want the scene selection to be usefull. Fourth, the fights could be a lot better. Right now it was just some sword that appeared and the monster was defeated. I know it's probably pretty hard to make good fights with sprites, but try to improve them in some way.
Overall I'd give this movie 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. I guess you at least putted some effort into this and cause of the music it had and the story, I gave it some extra points. I ain't really that interested in part three, but I'll keep an eye out for it anyway. Hopefully that improved a bit. This episodes score if about 0.5 higher, so hopefully part three will get something close to 3.00 (and deserves that score). Anyway, keep it up and good luck with the rest of the series.