
306 Movie Reviews

130 w/ Responses

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You've done pretty well here..

Was kinda like the intro movie of FFVIII, although that one was longer I thought. Anyway, it was a pretty decent movie. Drawings were okay, could be a better better at some places, but they were alright. There are just a couple of things that you need to work on.

First of all, I would have choosen different music if I were you. I thought there was some pretty good music for the intro movie in the real game. I think it would be better if you added that music. Second, although the graphics were alright, the movie seems to run a bit shocky. Please fix that, cause it's a bit annoying to watch the movie then. Third, I think you should put some sounds in. Just some swordsounds and all that. That'll make the movie a bit better. Fourth, the movie wasn't really that long, you should make the whole intro movie or just add some of your own ideas. I think that last would be the best, unless you can't think of anything good.

Anyway, also some good parts in this. First of all, like I said, the graphics were pretty good. Second, I like the fact that you didn't made some FFVI sprite movie. There are tons of those already. Third, even though there could have been some better music in this (in my opinion), I guess I should be glad that you at least added some music. No music would make the movie kinda boring.

So overall I'd give this 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Like I said, it was a pretty decent movie. I think you've done very well for one of your first flashes. I haven't seen many people having a score of nearly 3.00 for their first movie. Anyway, I hope to see more stuff from you soon. Practice some more with flash and who knows, you might win an award some day. Well keep up the good work and good luck with any future projects.


Ha-Des responds:

wow somehow i found this review useful
very...anyway yeah I could have added some swords like sound but uh...I rushed it, i could have made this longer.

Promising movie

A nice try, but wasn't the best Zelda flash I've ever seen. Surely I've also seen worse then this and at least it's not a sprite movie, that's a good thing. Anyway, I think this movie needs some improvements at some places.

First of all, the graphics could be a little bit better. They were not crappy, but they were a bit unclear. At some points in the movie, I really had no idea what was going on. Also cause the movie went pretty fast. So I would say, practice a bit with the drawing. Second, the music didn't really suited a Zelda flash. I would choose some Zelda music or some music from another game. Third, I think you should add some sounds. Some sounds for the bombs and some sword sounds would be allright. If you don't know where to find them, ask around the BBS. Fourth, the movie could be a bit longer, but I see that you stopped cause of something with your computer. I suggest you buy a better one =) Fifth, a better beginning would be nice. Now they just started fighting for barely a reason at all.

Anyway, I think this movie shows some potential. Out of all the things I said above, at least make sure that you improve a bit on the graphics. That's probably the most important thing in a flash movie. I'm pretty sure that if you at least improve on that, you'll get a higher score. For now, I'll just give it 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I still think that you've done pretty well for one of your first flashes. 3.01 ain't a bad score you know. Just practice a bit more and I'm sure you'll submit a pretty good movie someday. Anyway, I'll keep an eye out for part two to see if you got any better. Good luck with the rest of the series and all that.


Beginning was good, but then...

Oh c'mon, you really ruined it you know. I really thought that this flash was gonna be nice, but then that milton guy came in. Then it really became a crappy movie. I really think you should improve on a lot of things.

First of all, the music kept starting over and over again. It was getting a bit annoying. Just use one song that keeps playing on. Second, the trees, the grass and the sky were pretty well drawn. The rest looked very bad. I have a feeling that somebody else made that background for you. That milton guy looked very stupid with that horsebody and with that mudpool as a head. I know you did that on purpose, but this was in a negative way. It would be better if you just draw a real human. Third, it doesn't have a good ending. It doesn't have any ending at all. I thought, now there is gonna be a good joke at the end, but it was just "he burned himself, End". I don't think that was funny. Fourth, you should add some sounds. Some sounds for when he hits that tree for example.

Overall I'd give it 4 out of 10, 2 out of 5. Many have probably said this, the beginning was pretty good, but when that Milton guy came in, the movie was ruined. I just presume that you made the background yourself. Now, if you can draw as good as that, then making a good movie wouldn't be that hard I think. You only need a good idea for a good story then, cause you can get all the sounds and music from the internet. I know that this is just your first submission so I hope you'll learn from this and make a pretty darn good movie next time. Anyway, I'll just keep an eye out for your next movie to see if you got any better. Good luck with any future flashes and all that.


noob-B-oy responds:

Please watch this movie again. I have greatly improved the mule among other things. It looks a ton better, but it is still a bit crappy for the mood i'm trying to put out. I did draw everything myself to answer that question.

Cool movie

I think this submission was pretty cool actually, I think you've done pretty well here. This movie was quite entertaining to watch and I like the idea to mix Final Fantasy with Newgrounds, pretty original. A couple of things could be better though.

First of all, some more battles would be nice. You could also add some more attacks like "BLAM", "Protect", "Me>You", "Abusive review" etc. You know, you might find some cool ideas for attacks at the "Newgrounds trading card game"-topic, I hope you visit the BBS once in a while. Second, I think you should make the movie a bit longer. You could also add some more characters like a couple of mods and other well-known users. Some more area's of the site would also be nice. Third, I think it would be better if you made some special box for the subtitles at the bottom of the screen. Not that this was that annoying, but I think it would be better that way.

Of course there were also a couple of good things about this. First, I liked the sprites you used. Haven't seen them before actually. Second, I liked the Final Fantasy music you used. Of course it suited the movie well. Third, like I said, I liked the idea of putting Final Fantasy characters in the newgrounds site. I've seen a lot of FF sprite movies before, but not anything like this.

Overall I'd give this movie 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Surely wasn't the best, but I've seen a lot worse then this. I dunno if you were planning to make a part 2 or something, I hope you will. Anyway, keep on practicing and I'm sure you'll submit a good movie someday. Well keep up the good work and good luck with making your next movie.


Pretty boring

Well wasn't really an entertaining movie. This was actually pretty boring to watch. I didn't really liked the joke at the end, different sense of humor I guess. I think you should improve a couple of things, even though I doubt you'll ever work on this flash ever again.

Anyway, first of all, I think the graphics need a little improvement. They weren't really that good. Surely I've seen worse, but they are very important so please improve that a bit. Second, you should make it a bit longer. You could add some scene like with that brother asking money and some other stuff like that. I think that would make the movie a lot better. Third, I think it would be nice if you added some music, only at the beginning and at the end would be nice. The voice acting was okay I guess, no need to improve that. I hope you'll improve this stuff, the movie will surely get a higher score then. If you are not going to remake this then I hope you'll remember this for your next flashes.

Anyway overall I'd give this 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. Like I said, it was a bit boring. I saw that this was one of your first submissions so I guess I shouldn't expect too much. Well I guess you at least putted some effort in this movie, so I should give you some extra points. Practice a bit more with flash I'd say. Good that you had fun making this, keeps you motivated. Anyway, I dunno when your next submission will come out, hopefully it'll be better then this. I wish you good luck with making your next movie or game.


Squenji responds:

Well, tanks anyway. ^_^

Another great movie

This is actually my 200th review and when I saw this, I thought, yeah this gonna be number 200. So here it is then =) The first thing I would like to do is congratulade you with your daily first award for episode one. I actually didn't expected that it would win the daily first award, I thought more like daily fourth or something. When I check the score if this movie, I'd say this will get a daily first as well. It was higher then 4.00 when I voted. This might even stand a chance to get weekly first although the week is still long and who knows what good stuff could be submitted meanwhile. I see you haven't won a weekly award yet, would be great if this movie got one, eh?

Anyway, about the movie. It was just as good as episode one. Again it had some great graphics, had some great sounds and music and I liked the humor in it. Especially the bomb part, lol. I actually expected that this series would have a lot more episodes. I mean, I thought it were going to be about 4 or 5 parts, but it were only two. Meh too bad, I hoped to see some more of this stuff. Maybe I should check some of your older stuff, I'm sure there must be some good movies between them.

Anyway, I'd give this movie 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Same score as part 1, this part was as good as that part in my opinion. Your one of the first clock authors that made a movie that I actually liked. I think I'll add this movie to my favorites. Anyway, I would say keep up the excellent work and good luck with any other projects you were planning in the future.


StrangeClock responds:

Thanks man. This will most likely be the last 21 O'Clock Street thing, though.

Great movie

Wow, I must say I'm quite impressed. I really liked this movie. Usually I don't like Clock movies, I dunno why, probably cause I have a feeling that they don't put that much effort in their movies. Anyway, this stuff might be good enough to win an award tomorrow, I mean a score of nearly 4.00 is pretty high. Well I hope for you that this'll win an award, I think it would deserve it.

Anyway, lot's of things that I liked about this movie. First of all, I liked the fact that I could choose different languages for the subtitles. I choose dutch since I'm from Holland and I couldn't find any spelling mistake. I also heard that dutch song "Poep in je Hoofd" so I guess your dutch as well. Second, well the music in this was very good. I liked the many different songs you've used, especially the U2 song, cause I'm a big fan of U2. The sounds were also very good so I guess I'll have to give you a 9 for sounds. Third, the graphics were also very good, everything was well drawn and I kinda liked the drawing style. Fourth, the story is pretty cool, pretty funny as well so I gave you some points for humor. There were a lot of things that I laughed about in this movie =)

I couldn't really find anything that was not good in this movie, well done I would say. Overall I'd give this 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. I think you've done a great job. This is one of the best clock movies I've seen on NG so far in my opinion. I can barely wait till part two comes out, will that be today? cause I thought I saw something like that at the end. Well I deffinatly hope so. Anyway, I would say keep up the excellent work and good luck with making the rest of the series.


StrangeClock responds:

A great and heartwarming review, thanks man. I am indeed Dutch, I threw in the Dutch subtitles because it was easy to add with the English subtitles already in, plus since I'm Dutch I could give a fairly reliable translation.

Part 2 will be up tomorrow, hope you enjoy it.

<3 from ð

Decent, deserved a higher score in my opinion

Meh it was a decent flash, I can't say it was good, but I can't say it was crap either. I don't think the score should be so low, I think it should be closer to 2.50. That's just my opinion I guess, a lot of other users probably didn't liked it that much. I have to agree that this could use a little improvements at some places though.

First of all, the graphics could still use some improvement. They weren't really that bad, but they weren't good either. I also didn't like the drawingstyle, but I guess that's just a matter of taste. Second, the music was pretty nice, but it stopped somewhere near the end. I think it would be better if the music just kept on playing. If it's too diffecult to make the music play until the end then don't waste too much time on that, cause it wasn't really that annoying. Third, probably the most important part, I think it really needs some story line or just some logical connection between the scenes. Right now it was just like, then Arne was throwing a snowball, then he made a fire etc. This didn't seem to have a logical connection except that all have to do anything with Arne. Anyway I just hope that you'll add some story line, hopefully you'll think of something original.

Also a couple of good parts in this. First of all, I liked the music. I think it suited the movie pretty well here. Second, like I said, the graphics were pretty decent even though I didn't like the drawing style. Third, well I saw that you already submitted something like this. I presume that got blammed so you've obviously become a bit better at flash.

Overall I'd give this 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Like I said, it deserved a higher score in my opinion. I think you've done pretty well for one of your first submissions. I would say keep it up and you might submit a pretty good movie someday. Anyways good luck with making your next movie.



Meh, I would call this a decent movie. Surely I've seen better, but surely I've seen worse as well. There are a couple of things that need a little improvement.

First of all, I think you should add some colors and a background. The graphics were not bad though, I liked the drawings. Color would make the movie a lot more interesting to watch. Second, you could add some sounds at some places, like when that super guy was hit by that plane. I did liked the music in this. Third, the movie didn't seem to have much point. I think you should add a story line or something in this, make it a good and an original one. Fourth, I think it would be better if you added subtitles instead of drawing the letters beside the characters. Fifth, I think the movie started pretty well, but at the end it seemed like you became a bit lazy and tried to finish it quickly. I mean, the drawing at the end were less good then at the beginning. The end also seemed a bit random.

There were also a couple of good things in this. First of all, the drawings were pretty good, like I already said. I also liked the music in this, I think it suited the movie well. These two things are pretty important so I think you're capable of making some pretty good movies.

Overall I'd give this movie 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I think you've done pretty well here, I kinda liked this movie, too bad the end wasn't as good as the beginning. Anyway, I hope to see some more stuff from you soon, keep it up and good luck with making your next movie/game.


NakedSnakekiller responds:

Thank you i will (after making whoa 2) conside the following in my animations!

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