
258 Game Reviews

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Male, 0.200 seconds to react

It's a nice idea, but I think the game is a bit too simple. This is really too bad since I can see that you put a lot of work in the graphics. You said that this was 'in the name of science', but I don't really believe that. I also don't know why I have to give my name, are you going to make a high score list or something? It's a bit pointless to me. Anyway back to the game.

Like I said, the game was a bit simple. You put a lot of work in the graphics while it's just shooting that guy and you're done. I think it would be cool if you added more enemies that just come out of all kinds of places, from behind the cactus and such. You have to shoot those guys and it will say your reaction time somewhere in the top corner or bottom corner of the screen. Then you have to shoot a few more guys and at the end, it'll show your best time. The game is a lot more fun that way. I would also change the music if I were you. The current music is alright for the game as it is now, but if you use my idea, it wouldn't really fit, so choose something different then. Some more guns would also be cool, you shouldn't add machine-guns of course, but handguns are alright. My last idea: add something so that we can also shoot other things, like a hole in the cactus and stuff like that.

Overall 6 out of 10. I'm not sure if I voted 2 or 3, but I saved your little game. As I already said in the title, I'm Male and my fastest reaction time was 0.200 (the first time I tried it was 0.24 or something). Anyway, the game was alright, but I hope you'll expand it a bit and resubmit this someday. Keep it up and good luck with the 'science' (maybe you should post the results on the BBS).

Phantasmagor01 responds:

I'm tabulating all the information i gather, having a name column just gets me extra marks for having more detail in the experiment, 2nd i am actually taking this and turning it into a whole western shooter game, i just used this here as the basis for my experiment and i figured i didnt need to make it overly complex.
thanks for all the suggestions though, those were exactly what i had planned for the major game. Thanks for the review aswell

It was decent

I personally think the game was decent. It had some nice graphics, the menuscreen looked alright, the controls were not that hard and it was good that you added more types of enemies, levels and lifes. However there were still a few bad things about this submission

First of all, it was good that I readed the response to the last review, otherwise I would've said it needed backgroundmusic. I think it would be better if change it to that it is normally on, but you can put it off, so that people will not vote lower 'cause it has no music' while it actually has backgroundmusic. Second: It does need some sounds. Some explosions sounds and sounds for shooting would be nice. It's one of the most important parts in a submission together with graphics in my opinion, so please add that. Third: I think it needs a few explosions (not only for the sounds, but also as a special effect). Right now it didn't looked very good. You could also make the enemies explode. Fourth, you should add some more levels. I finished the game in less then a minute (and I went game over a few times). I don't consider a game that good if it is only fun for a very short time, so add some more levels and don't forget more enemies and maybe even a boss. Fifth: Even though the controls were not that diffecult, I prefer using the arrow keys and the spacebar. You don't really have to change if it is that diffecult to make, but it would deffinatly be nice.

Overall 6 out of 10. Like I said, it was a decent game, but it needs to be expanded a little with more levels and I think powerups would also be a good idea. You could add stuff like missiles and something that slows time. Anyway, the game was quite a challenging, but too bad it was a bit short. I would make a second version of this game if I were you. Just add some more stuff and I think it could get a pretty high score (well at least higher then the current one)

Chindamo responds:

Ur totally right there man. I knocked this up in a few hours, probably 3, and this was my first game, now I've made four. Anyway, I hear u loud and clear. After all, I'm quite young.

A bit too short

It was a pretty nice game, just finished it on easy mode. It had some pretty nice graphics, although they could use a little improvement at some places, but they were alright. The sounds and music in this were also very good, probably the best part of this game. I also liked the fact that you could choose to play the game on easy, medium and hard mode. I tried it on hard mode once, but I think that was a bit too hard =) anyway, I think it was also pretty nice that you could unlock bonus stuff, although I don't think I got anything for finishing it on easy mode.

Those were the good parts of the game, now the bad. The worst thing about this is that it was veeery short. Only 4 areas and then I finished the game. I don't know if you added more areas on medium and hard level though, but this was very dissapointing. The second bad part were the controls in my opinion. They weren't diffecult or anything, but I suggest you change it to shooting with space, aiming with the mouse and punching with the left mouse-button. My finger started to hurt a bit cause of all the clicking. The last thing is not really a bad part, but it would be nice if you added it. I wish this game had a few power-ups like missiles and the plasma beam, ice beam, light beam and weapons like that. It isn't necessary right now, but if you decide to make the game longer, then I should add it if I were you.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. It had a nice story, some pretty good graphics, very good sounds and music, but it was a bit dissapointing because it was so short like I said. I hope you'll make it a bit longer next time. You could make a series out of this I think, with samus getting robbed in the next episode or something. Anyway, keep up the good work.

Nice job

Graphics: Very nice. Everything was well drawn and had a lot of details. What I especially liked was that the mountains became bigger when you got further. The threes and all that were also very nice. The only thing I can suggest here is that you add a bit more details in the snow. With that, I mean stuff like small rocks and twigs. You don't have to add that of course, the graphics are still very good the way they are now.

Sounds/Music: Good music and some nice sounds. The music suited the movie pretty well. The only way to improve on this is to add more different songs and that I can choose the song. Ow wait, the menu-screen needs some music as well, it doesn't have any right now.

Interactivity: The controls weren't that hard, just moving with the arrow keys and throwing a gem with the space bar. Maybe you could add that if you press the arrow-down, you go slower (brake) and with arrow-up you go faster. It was pretty hard to collect the gems sometimes cause going to the left or right went a bit too slow, if you could go slower, this might make it a bit easier. Also some of the gems at the right and left of the screen were unreachable, cause you bumped back when you went off the screen with your goblin. This was pretty annoying, I hope you'll fix this. As for the rest, the menuscreen could use a few more options. You could for example put the instructions there, add a button to make the game easier/harder and something to change the song.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I enjoyed playing this game, Games of Gondor has never dissapointed me so far. I have one last idea: You could add different types of the game. You only had to collect gems now, but you could also add a race vs a computer, a race to get the fastest time and something like that you have to jump as far as possible. That would be pretty cool I think. Anyway, I hope we'll see more good stuff from you, keep up the good work.

Nice game, but needs to be expanded

I'd say, it's a pretty nice game for such a low filesize. It's actually pretty addictive. I especially liked the fact that you can buy your own upgrades while still playing the game. Of course I've seen the 'buying upgrades' stuff before, but you always had to finish the level before you could finally start upgrading. Anyway, here are a few suggestions to improve your work:

One: The most important thing that you should add is music. It's nice that it has sounds, but without music, a game could get boring after a short while. I don't think it's that hard to add a song, so please do that, cause it can improve the score a lot. Two: Try to make the enemy planes look a bit better. The graphics of this game were not bad at all, only the enemies didn't looked that good in my opinion. Three: A cursor would be nice to see were you're aiming. It could make the game a bit easier. It became hard pretty quickly. Four: Just some more upgrades would be nice. A few ideas, soldiers, tanks, guard towers, homing missiles. Five: Some more types of enemies would be nice. I've only seen one type of plane so far (and I was at level 5).

Overall 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. It was a nice game like I said, but it needs to be expanded a little. I see this was just version 1.0 so I guess we're going to see a few more version with some improvements. Anyway, keep it up and good luck with making any other versions (I'll keep an eye out for them).

ICMilk responds:

Tnx for the suggestions mate, yes this is only version 0.1 :P cheers...

Didn't liked it

Graphics: The graphics could use a lot of improvement. It needs a lot more details. Right now, it's just some grey square with some moving dots in it and a black line which is supposed to be a sword. The dots are fine if you're sure you can't draw any better, but you could at least try to make the sword look a bit more realistic and also at some tables, chairs, you know stuff like that. Also one very annoying things was that the screen was way too big. Because of this, I couldn't always directly see were the enemies came from. Please make it a bit smaller. As for the rest, the things on the right of the screen (exp etc.) could look a bit better. Just add some colors, that would make it look a bit nicer.

Sounds/Music: Well I think the music didn't really suited this movie, I also didn't liked the music. Please add a different song. Also, you should add a couple of sounds. It didn't had any right now. Just add sword sounds and screaming sounds (for when the enemies die) and some for when you destroy those boxes.

Interactivity: The controls were pretty hard. I suggest you change the turning with QW to turning with the mouse. Turning with QW goes a bit too slow sometimes, I couldn't even beat all the enemies in some rooms cause they were simply to quick (+ they attacked with 10 on the same time). It would make the game a bit easier. As for the rest, the menuscreen could look a bit better.

Overall 4 out of 10, 2 out of 5. I didn't really liked this game, sorry. The idea was pretty good, with experience points and all that, but not when you have to go in a few rooms were it's nearly impossible to defeat all the enemies. I suggest you add a health bar next time and not one-hit-KO. I hope you also added some powerups like a spells and bombs and all that, if not, then you should add it, it could make games a lot more fun. Anyway, I hope your next submissions will be better then this one.

xyxaxyz2 responds:

Graphics: Yes, you're right, I've admitted that from the first time I uploaded it.

Sounds/Music: You're right here too, that would make the game better.

Interactivity: The difficulty of this game is intentional, so mouse controls for the purpose of making the game easier is not something I would ever add to game like this. Part of the challenge is being able to coordinate movement with swinging.

There are some very difficult rooms. I consider that a good thing. :) I'm not making rooms easier.

Could use some more work

Graphics: The drawings were not that bad. However, I still think you can improve on a lot of things. The background for example. It´s just a green square, it could use some more details. Just some trees and stuff like that would be fine. Or you could make a road on it. The granny´s didn´t really looked like granny´s in my opinion and the car looked a bit like a penis. You should really improve the graphics a bit. Also, I would add the score and the number of kills somewhere at the top of the screen.

Sounds/Music: There were not that many sounds and it didn´t had any music at all. I´d deffinatly add some music if I were you, it could make the game a lot less boring. It could also use more sounds and more different sounds. Currently there were only two different sounds (for when the car was spinning and you killed a granny). Those sounds got a bit annoying after a while, so different ones would be nice.

Interactivity: The controls were pretty hard actually. I suggest you either change it to only using the arrow keys (left arrow and right arrow to steer etc.), or you change it to only using the mouse (hold down left-mouse button to go forward). Opening the door didn´t seem to have any point, so you might as well remove that. As for the menuscreen, well it didn´t looked that special. I suggest you make it look a bit better (by adding a picture from the car for example).

Overall 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. I think this could use some more work. The game got a bit boring after a while. Probably because it wasn´t really a challenge. Killing the granny´s wasn´t that hard and you didn´t had any time or anything. Getting a high score was also very easy. I suggest you make levels with a certain amount of granny´s you have to kill within a certain time. Also, some powerups would be cool. Ideas for powerups: Extra speed, guns, a bigger car, bombs/mines, slower granny´s, bonuspoints, more time (for when you decide to add levels) and special tires so that the car doesn´t spin. Anyway, I think the game could become loads of fun if you expand it. For now, I´ll vote only a 2, keep it up.

Very nice game

Graphics: Very good graphics. Everything was pretty well-drawn, it had a decent background and the special effects were pretty good. The background could use some more details maybe. One thing that was pretty annoying was that the dragons already attacked, while they were not yet on the screen. In other words, I couldn't see them yet. I hope you'll change that somehow, cause it makes the game pretty hard.

Sounds/Music: Very good music, it suited the movie pretty well. Nice that you added different songs for the game and the menuscreen. The sounds were also very good. I don't think there's that much wrong with the sounds or the music, 9 out of 10.

Interactivity: Well the controls were very easy, just clicking with your mouse to shoot. Aiming was a bit hard though, can't you make a pointer (I can't remember how you call that, sorry, I hope you know what I mean)? Anyway, the menu-screen was very good. It has nice music as I already mentioned and it also looked excellent. I guess you putted some effort in that. The only thing that didn't looked good was the settings screen, it was just black and white, please make it look a bit better.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Could win a daily award, we'll see. I think the game was a bit hard, it all went a bit too fast for me. I thought there was no way to block the fireballs, but when I checked the instruction again, I saw that there was. I hoped that I was gonna survive for a bit longer then, but it didn't seemed to matter, I still think the game is pretty diffecult. Well at least the game wasn't boring. Anyway, I saw that you made this for a flash game contest, well I hope you'll win it. If you just take some of the advices of the reviews and improve it a bit, I think it stands a pretty good chance. Good luck with the contest and keep up the excellent work.

thewasteofwebspace responds:

Thanks for the lengthy review and very helpful comments.

A lot of the things you asked about have been fixed or improved. heres some info bout it:

You have recieved this response if you complained about something I fixed in the updated version of this game.

Please check back here soon (tomorow-ish), as the updated version is awaiting approval. It has a bunch of new features, some of which you have asked about in your review.

Thanks for playing

Best tutorial I've ever seen

What an awesome flash tutorial. When I looked at the titel, I didn't expected that much, OMFG!: A Flash Tutorial sounded like some n00b tutorial to me. When I checked it out, I was amazed by how cool this one is. I can imagine it won a daily first.

Graphics: The whole menu looked awesome. I liked all the pretty light colors you used. The buttons, backgrounds, everything looked very nice. I guess I can't give you anything else then a 10 for this. Good job.

Sounds/Music: You added three different songs, I liked that. The songs were not great or anything, but they were good and I think they suited this submission pretty well. You also added some sounds for when you moved your mouse over the buttons, that was also nice. I think the sounds of this submission were very good, the only way to improve it is probably to add some more songs, but it's fine the way it is now.

Interactivity: There are so many options in this. I've never seen a flash tutorial with so many explanations about how to make things. The explanations were good and not too hard to understand. The most impressive things to me were the volume button and the clock. This is one of the first submissions were I see those two things. The only thing you need to work on is that when I press the buttons 1,2 and 3, all the three songs start playing. You should make song 1 stop when I press number 2 etc. I'm still very impressed by the interactivity so 10 out of 10 for that.

Overall 9 out of 10, 5 out of 5. Well I have to admit, this was one of the best flash tutorials I've ever seen in the six months that I've been here. If I ever decide to work with flash, I'll try to find this tutorial again and hopefully it'll help me a lot. Anyway, congrats with the daily first. I think you putted a lot of effort in this one, so you deserved it. Keep up the excellent work and good luck with any other future projects.

Smoking-Chimney responds:

What an awesome review! Honestly you looked at everything and said the good and bad things and it helps. Although I'm not planning another tutorial, I'm sure this review will help me with other projects! Thanks a lot!

Nice, but I dunno if it deserved a daily first

Lol, I can still remember those movies from WWF. God, that was so fake, but it was cool to watch anyway. I think this game was pretty good, but I dunno if it deserves a daily first.

Graphics: The graphics were decent. They could use some improvement at some places. Especially when they are fighting or attacking the other guy. That went a bit too quick and it didn't looked very good. I think the first scene looked the best. Those two guys were drawn pretty well. You should work a bit on the second scene.

Sounds/music: I already saw at the author comments that other people complained about the bad quality of the sounds. Well, I noticed the same thing so I guess it hasn't been updated yet. Too bad, cause of course the rating is a bit lower now. Once the game is updated, I guess it will be a bit easier to understand what is said. I had some trouble with that, maybe you should add some subtitles as well. As for the music, well the music suited this game pretty well. I wouldn't change it if I were you.

Violence: I was expecting some more violence in this actually. It were just two or three pretty short scenes. I think some more fights would be nice. Blood isn't really necessary, but I wouldn't mind if you added it. In the fights-scenes you could add some chairs, hammers and stuff that they always use in those fights. I think that would be pretty funny.

Interactivity: I was expecting something completely different from this. I was actually expecting that you could choose a character, choose an opponent and could then fight against him. Instead it was something completely different. I kinda liked the idea. There were some pretty cool things you could say, like "Can you show me your tits?", lol. Anyway, the controls were very easy, just click and watch. Normally I don't like those kinda games, but this one was alright.

Overall 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Like I said, I don't really think this deserves a daily first. It was deffinatly a good game, but I guess I didn't liked it as much as others did. Anyway, I did liked the idea in this and I hope the next part will have some improvements on the sounds and graphics. Also at some more scenes, three ain't that much.

MessiaH responds:

Thanks for your review.

I wouldn't say that it doesn't deserve Daily Feature, since it won and all, but I was certainly very taken aback by it. I guess it just proves there's still enough love for the WWE around here.

Age 35, Male

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