
258 Game Reviews

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A bit boring, but still nice

Graphics: The graphics were alright. Some weapons looked better then others though. I think the plasma sword looked pretty good. One thing that you should change is the background. I guess it was supposed to be some kinda dummy factory, so maybe you should make the backgrounds look a bit more like that. The menuscreen could also look a bit better cause it looked kinda boring. Anyway, I think the graphics were not bad.

Sound/music: The sounds were very good for this. All the guns and all that sounded pretty good and that hook thing also had a nice sound. The only thing that you could add sounds for is when you click a button, but it's not really that important and I don't think the score would increase a lot if you added that. What could increase the score is adding some backgroundmusic. Currently it didn't had any backgroundmusic at all which is pretty bad. The 'game' gets a bit boring because of that. I dunno what type of music you should add, I prefer no heavy metal music, but it's your choice. Just think of something.

Violence: No blood in this, but that's pretty logical cause dummies don't bleed. I think the violence was pretty good, except the explosion of that bazooka like weapon didn't looked that good.

Interactivity: A lot of buttons to click. That's pretty nice, although you have to fix those buttons. I know you can make something so that you can click in certain area. As for the rest, nice that you added some extra's. So just fix the buttons and then the interactivity is alright.

Overall 6 out of 10. I don't really these kinda games. I don't think you can call this a game actually. It's just click the button and watch. All the movies were very short so it's a bit boring. Still the graphics and sounds were not bad, the violence and the interactivity were alright so I think this is a decent game. I deffinatly wouldn't blam this if it was under judgement right now. Anyway, I hope you'll improve this a bit and submit a better version later. Keep it up and good luck with any other future projects.

I don't consider this a good game

I don't consider this a good game. The main problem was that the game got quite boring soon. The game doesn't get harder after a while and it was already pretty easy at the beginning. Also the graphics need a lot of improvement. The explosions looked pretty bad, the background was just black with nothing else on it and the spaceship also looked pretty bad. As for the rest: I didn't liked the heavy metal music so I decided to turn my speaker off.

Allright, those were the bad parts, I'll just give you some suggestions how to improve your work. Like I said, the game was too easy and a bit boring. You could make the meteors go faster to make it harder. More shots to destroy a meteor could also make it more diffecult. The game would be a lot more fun if you added new weapons, upgrades and stuff like that. Examples: Bombs that blow everything up, A laser that cuts through the meteor, something that makes time/the meteors go slower, missiles with bigger explosions and maybe even add some guys that help you. About the graphics: You could add some stars and other planets on the background. That would look pretty nice. The explosions should look a bit better too. The meteorites were all the same, you should add a some with different colors and shapes. The menuscreen didn't looked bad, but when I was game over, the meteors kept coming over the menu. I doubt you did that on purpose, so try to fix it. Enough about the graphics, as for the music. Well it's just a matter of taste I guess. The only way to solve that would be to add something in the menuscreen to change the music. That's a bit diffecult I think and the filesize would increase a lot so just an on- and-off button would be fine.

Overall 4 out of 10, 2 out of 5. Like I said, I don't really consider this a good game. I played it for a short while, but I stopped at 400 points cause it was too boring. I hope you'll resubmit a much better version someday with a lot of improvements and extra stuff.

I liked the idea of this game

I liked the idea of this game. I kinda enjoyed playing it although it got a bit boring after trying for 5 times. When do you beat the game by the way? After you destroyed all your enemies or something? or when you reached certain amounts of food, money and military strength? I mean, it seems like the kinda game that you can play for hours with having millions of dollars and food and all that. Meh.. whatever, here's some explanation about some of the ratings:

Graphics: The graphics were not bad. Not really the best I've seen, but I've seen a lot worse as well. All the buildings looked pretty good, but I didn't liked the island itself for two reasons: One: The shape of it, it was nearly a square. That looked pretty bad, I would give it a different shape next time. Two: It had no details at all. No rivers, trees, mountains, beaches, nothing. The least thing you could do is at some green and blue spots on it so that it looks like a forest and a lake. Anyway, except for the island itself, the graphics were not bad.

Sound/Music: Very few sounds and no music at all. That's a pretty bad thing, cause this is very important in every submission. I know that I have my own CD's, but I think it would have been better if you added some music yourself. You should've added some sounds for: When you build/destroy a building. When you lose the game. For the arrow keys and maybe the buildings should have their own sounds as well (exam.: You hear a cow for the farm).

Interactivity: This was one of the best parts, there were plenty of options and plenty of things to do. Also everything worked as it should work, I couldn't find any bugs at all. The menuscreen didn't looked great, but at least it had some instructions. Maybe they were a bit too long, I wasn't really that interested in reading them.

Other Stuff: I think you should add some more places to build on and some more buildings. A bank so that you can get a lot of money would be very usefull. Especially since the silo makes you go bankrupt in no time (I had 6 factories and that was still not enough). A theater/stadium/museum etc. to keep your citizens happy would also be nice.

Overall 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. The idea was very good, the game itself was a little bit dissapointing. You should add some improvements at some places and then resubmit it. I didn't really had the feeling that I wasted my time playing this game, like I said, I kinda enjoyed it. Anyway, I'd say keep it up and good luck with any other future projects.


Johnyul responds:


One joke no one seemed to get was that the island was supposed to be all sand and no resources but whatever.

I was thinking about putting in a bank, maybe I should, but you should build some hotels, they work better for money and they don't cause unrest either.

Nice version of tanks

A nice version of tanks. I had a lot of fun playing this. It could still use a little bit more work at some places though. An option to have a game against 1,2 or 3 computers would be pretty cool. You could add an easy, medium and hard mode then. Some more weapons would also be cool. You could add some weapons like: A double bomb (both shots with less power then the normal bomb off course), a cluster bomb, a lazer/machine gun etc. Anyway, some explanation about some of the ratings:

Graphics: The blue background and the clouds looked pretty good. The clouds were moving in the direction the wind blows, I liked that. It's not that important, but it's just a nice extra little thing. The explosions also looked pretty good, the tanks didn't looked bad as well, I think there is not much wrong with the graphics. The only way to improve it is by adding some more details like trees, snow and stuff like that.

Sounds/music: Also not much wrong with the sounds and the music. The shooting and the explosion sounds were excellent. The music was not really what I would call "Great", but it suited the game pretty well I think. You should've added some different music for when somebody won though. When the game was over the same music just kept on playing, that was kinda boring.

Interactivity: The controls were not diffecult at all, just the arrowkeys, space and the mouse to use a special weapon. That's good. It also had a menuscreen, everything worked fine there. You only had to option to dissable wind, I think you should add a stage select there and maybe something to change the background music or to turn the sound on and off. During the game, I sometimes dug holes that were too deep and my tank disappeared at the bottom of the screen. I pressed teleport then, but it putted me back inside the hole. That was kinda weird, I hope you'll fix this. Some other thing that was kinda weird was that I could shoot with a power of over 2000. That was kinda unnecesarry, it took about one minute before the bomb finally hit the ground. You should make some kinda limit, 250 or something.

Overall I'd give this game 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. It was a nice version of tanks and I think it stands a chance to win an award, we'll see tomorrow. Anyway, like I said, it could still use some work at some places, but I enjoyed playing it. Well keep up the good work and good luck with any other future projects.


HalfLifeDarkness responds:

Hmm.. Iv'e never seen the bug you're describing.
Tell me, you said you were at the bottom of the screen, my speculation is that you fired a bomb, and the ground shaking caused your avatar to appear below the screen, do you think that that is what could've happened?

Wasn't really a good game

It wasn't really a good game. It got boring after about 1 minute. I think the reason for that is cause there were no levels, no cool powerups, only one type of enemy, no extra weapons etc. It was just the same the whole time. You should add all that stuff I said above, it could improve the score a lot. Also some things didn't suited the movie, but I'll get back to that later.

Graphics: Those were not bad. Nice that you added some planets and stars at the background, always better then just black with nothing at all. The ship and the asteroids also looked pretty good. Only the laser could look a bit better. Just some green blocks, try to draw a bit more details. Also add some explosions when you shoot one of them asteroids. Anyway, I think the graphics were the best part of this game.

Sound/Music: Same music as from raidenX (the whole game looked a bit too much like raidenX to me). Well it suited the game of course. What didn't suited the game was the music for when you were game over. I dunno if that was supposed to be funny, but I think it is better if you simply don't add any music at all then, cause this was kinda stupid. The explosion sounds were good, the 'doh' when you lost a life was also pretty stupid and didn't suited the game. You should add some sounds for when you shoot.

Violence: Like I said above, you should add some explosions. Add explosions for both when you destoy an asteroid and when your ship gets destroyed. Also add some alien ships as enemies.

Interactivity: Well I would have choosen different controls, with the mouse is pretty annoying. Just the arrow keys to move and the space bar to shoot will be fine. I also saw that you added a menuscreen. Well there is nothing with that, but it was another thing that didn't suited the movie at all. What do swords have to do with space ships? A link to newgrounds was also a bit unnecessary. Some thing that didn't worked as it should work was that the game froze when you clicked fast. I could just move from the left to the right and destroy everything easily. Some of the asteroids went a bit too fast as well, some where almost impossible to dodge.

Overall, 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. It looked a bit too much like raidenX to me, please try to think of a more original idea next time. The game could still use a lot of work before it stands a chance to win an award, dunno if you want to win an award though. Anyway, I hope you'll think about some of my advise and resubmit a much better version. Good luck with any other future projects as well.


Good game

I don't think this game sucked, I think it was good actually. Especially since this is only your first game. The game had nice sounds and background music, different levels that got harder and harder, the graphics didn't looked bad and the controls were not that diffecult. These are things every game needs to have in my opinion. There were some things that could be a bit better though. Here are some suggestions:

One: The game froze a couple of times so I had too start all over again. This was very annoying, I hope you'll find a way to fix this. This could make the score go down a lot you know. Two: When I fell into the water, the game didn't started over again or I didn't got any screen that said: Game Over. I could still see the whole level and the music kept on playing. I hope you'll fix this as well. Three: You should add some instructions at the menuscreen. Not that they were that diffecult to understand, but it's just nice if it has any. Four: A couple of enemies would be nice. I saw some more different stuff like boulders and TNT when you got further into the game, but some enemies would be cool. The main character is a mage so you could make a couple of spells to defeat enemies with. Five: Just some small things, something at the top of the screen which tells you in which level you are would be nice. Also, give the main character a couple of lives and add that somewhere in the screen as well.

Overall I'd give this 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. I think you've done a good job here. It was a nice little game and it didn't bored me at all (not that I've played it for that long, but I've played it for a couple of minutes). I hope you'll fix all the things that didn't worked as they should work and then resubmit it. Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck with any other future projects.


Yoogain responds:

thanks. next i hope will be better.

Good tips

Well it gave some good tips about how people can make their blammed work better. Most of what it said was true. The sounds, the effects, how long a movie is and the backgrounds are indeed very important. If those are bad, the movie will most likely get blammed. I didn't saw anything about the drawings themselves though. People could practice on that you know. If it has everything you mentioned, but still has awful drawings, the submission could still be blammed. You also said that the voice was very important, but that doesn't count for every flash.

This submission could have been a little bit better as well. You said sounds are very important while the sounds of that short movie were a bit slow. You should have fixed that, cause now some people might not really believe it, you know what I mean? Also, you should have added some backgroundmusic to this and a sound for when you go to the next page. Then again, I see the filesize is nearly 5000Kb, why is that? I've seen tutorials that were a lot longer and with backgroundmusic that had a lower filesize then this one.

Anyway, overall I'd give this 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. It gave some good tips, most of the info was true, but some things could've been better and it could have been a bit longer as well. Some more tips that could be added: 1) Check out some other (good) submissions, you might get some good ideas. 2) Is the idea original? There are loads of movies with sticks/sprites/people fighting eachother cause of nothing. 3) Look if your movie has a good story in it. Anyway, keep it up and good luck with any other future projects.


A cool game, but I expected more..

A very cool game. I actually expected a bit more of it, cause I've seen the name 'skullkid' a lot here on Newgrounds. The things that dissapointed me a bit was that the sawing was a bit boring after a while, cause it took a bit too long and the game itself didn't really had that many levels. Just two levels and one level where you only have to saw through one big fat guy. Well maybe it's my mistake that I expect a bit much eh? Anyway, even though the game wasn't quite what I expected, it was still a lot better then the average game on Newgrounds. A short explanation about the ratings.

Graphics (7): It didn't really had amazing graphics, but they were deffinatly not bad. I've seen a lot worse. Sound (8): The backgroundmusic was nice, suited the movie pretty well I think. The chainsaw-and gun-sounds were also pretty good. Violence (9): I think this is what the game is all about, the violence. Well a lot of blood in this, that's good. If you didn't added any blood, the game would be a lot worse. Interactivity (6): Not that much interactivity actually, just some walking and pressing space when something crosses your path on the first floor. The second floor was a bit more interesting when you could also duck, but I think you should have added some kind of weapon menu. It would have been cool if you made the second floor a bit longer and could take the weapon of the guy you just killed. Humor (7): It was pretty funny to cut all these guys in half with your chainsaw.

Overall 8 out of 10, 4 out of 5. Like I said a pretty cool submission. Could use some improvement at some places, but I don't think you're ever going to remake this. Anyway, keep up the excellent work and good luck with any future projects (I have no idea if you have plans to submit some new flash though).


Pretty cool, original idea

I'm worth $52,57. I thought that was quite a lot until I checked out ramagi's account which was worth 20 times as much as mine. Anyway, about the game, it was a pretty cool and original idea, I've never seen anything like this before. Here's an explanation about the ratings.

Graphics (5): Well no drawings in this, just some text and a couple of squares, so the graphics were not much special, but that doesn't really matter at all. Style (7): Well everything in Newgrounds-style which suited this game well. Sound (7): The same music as in Newgrounds Sim. Nice that you added music although that tune gets very annoying after a while. You could have added some sounds at a couple of places in my opinion. Like when I clicked a button and when he was calculating. Violence (0): Well no violence in this and it wouldn't be necessary in these kind of games. Interactivity (6): Just some typing and clicking on some buttons. You could have added a menuscreen with a 'play'-button, 'music'-button (to change the music) and a 'credits'-button. I'm also wondering why you didn't added something for the awards somebody won. I mean, a daily first/weekly first must be worth something. Humor (4): It's fun to hear how much your account is worth, but I don't think this was really supposed to make me laugh.

Overall I'd give it 7 out of 10, 3 out of 5. Like I said, it was a pretty cool submission with an original idea, but I must say, it's not something that you would do over and over again. You just calculate your account's worth once and maybe that of somebody else, but then you never check this out again. Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck with any other future projects.


Loved that OoT song

It was decent, not really something that would deserve an award or something, but still it was nice. A little bit above the average of the normal dress up game I would say. Still, as with almost every dress up game, it's a bit boring.

The print button was something that was pretty new to me, I haven't seen that in any submission before. The music buttons didn't seem to work directly, I had to click a couple of times before the music started. I really liked the Ocarina of Time music, it was a pretty relaxing song, reminds me of christmas somehow. Too bad it stopped after a while, but I think I played it over again 5 or 6 times. I really liked that song, so I gave an 8 for sounds. Another good part of this were the drawings. All the items looked very good. Only Link looked a bit weird, I think it would be better if you took Link from Ocarina of Time. It could also use a better background. I think something with some kind of shop at the background would suit this movie pretty well. So for the graphics I gave this a 7. As for the rest, well some more things to dress Link up with are always good as long as the screen doesn't become a mess. Some masks from Majora's Mask, a Deku stick, a bow etc.

Overall I'd give this submission 6 out of 10, 3 out of 5. The reason I vote so high (a lot higher then the current score) is cause I liked the OoT song so much and cause the graphics are pretty good (I think you should try to make a Zelda movie someday). Anyway, like I said before, the game was kinda decent. A little bit higher then the average dress up game. Well keep it up and good luck with any other future projects.


ejtesta responds:

Thanks dude. Well, this is just the first version, i'm going to be updating it constantly, but thanks for the advice. I wish I could make a Zelda movie, but I'm horrible at everything exept drawings and actionscripting that i unfortunately can't! I wish I could, I guess I could do one of those movies using the SNES version and having link battle or something. IDK. THanks

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